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Calpuli Center is home to San Diego State Student Health Services (SHS)
Two more San Diego State students have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the university’s total number of confirmed cases to 27.
According to a statement from SDSU, the two cases were unrelated to one another and likely unrelated to any off-campus gatherings that were reported earlier in the week.
“The two new student cases are not connected and both students live off-campus,” the university said in a statement sent Wednesday evening. “The students were tested by SDSU’s Student Health Services (SHS). The two individual cases are not believed to be connected to any reported off-campus gatherings.”
Nonetheless, large groups of students, many not wearing masks, were seen walking along College Avenue and Montezuma Road late into the night over the weekend. University Police received reports of possible gatherings at Piedra Del Sol Apartments and Fraternity Row Aug. 22 at 10:50 p.m. and 11:08 p.m. respectively, UPD spokesperson Raquel Herriot said in a statement.
SDSU has said the risk to campus still remains low, as both students were living off-campus and had no interaction with university staff.
Student Health Services is currently working to contact anyone who may have interacted with the two students, and those who have been informed are self-quarantining.
“SHS is in the process of speaking with the individuals known to have been in direct contact with the two separate students,” the university said. “All are following established public health protocols for isolation and quarantine, and exposure risk to others on campus is deemed low.”
More information regarding SDSU’s COVID-19 Case Communications Protocol can be found here. Additional details on the university’s COVID-19 policies are available online. General information regarding the university’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be accessed via SDSU’s public-facing COVID-19 site.
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