Graphic Courtesy of Collegiate Day of Prayer
Feb. 23 marked the 200th year anniversary of the Collegiate Day of Prayer, a day where colleges across the country come together to worship Jesus Christ in preachings, prayers and song.
With the campus’ multiple Christian ministries, San Diego State University was one out of 4,196 campuses to participate in the prestigious event.
Starting at 7:30 p.m., thousands of ministries worshiped in unison around the nation, as the lecture hall at the Geography, Math, Computer Science (GMCS) building was packed with students.
Lead pastor of Compass Church, David Worcester, discussed the community of on-campus ministries and the significance of coming together for the event.
“We’re gathering as many of the campus ministries to come together and show our unity that we’re not competing against each other… we’re a team,” Worcester said.
The event began with worship music as the band of students captivated the crowd with the uplifting and spiritual verses of scripture, accompanied by soul-captivating melodies. Not a person in the room in silence, the passionate voices of the band conjoined with the matching passion of the crowd, allowing the lecture hall to be morphed into a profound place of praise.
Following the worship, students were given the stage and microphone to share their insight on the word of God, allowing mutual growth in the speaker’s pursuit of faith and listeners in similar paths.
One of the speakers was Bode Horton from Point Loma Nazarene University, who narrowed his devotion towards the current generation.
“I pray that you just bring a revival over Generation Z, God…that you just outpour your spirit over this generation…that Gen Z will be known as the generation who loves Jesus.”
Kyle Walters, lead pastor of Mission Trails Church, gave insight into what he believes is the healthiest path for students at SDSU to follow.
“College is a time when you’re deciding what you want your life to look like. There are a lot of roads that are gonna take you down places of joy and some places of pain,” Walters said. “My hope is that students would encounter Jesus. He offers grace and forgiveness, so instead of figuring out everything I need to do, the greatest choice is to stand on what Christ has done.”