Photo by courtesy of Aylin Michelle.
I still vividly remember the first day I joined The Daily Aztec. Early in my junior year, I was searching for a way to become more connected and present on campus. After COVID-19 cut my freshman year short and I spent the next year attending school through a computer screen, I knew I had to change something if I wanted to have a good college experience.
Since I was an avid sports fan and enjoy writing, I headed down to The Daily Aztec office and asked around to see how I could join the sports section. Both Jason Freund and Andrew Finley, the two sports editors at the time, took me in with open arms. Just like that I was invited to the next meeting.
What a ride it has been since.
In what seems like a blur, I have covered nearly every sport we have on campus, sharpened my skills as a writer and editor, and even had the privilege of covering a Final Four and National Championship game.
When I stepped foot onto campus as a nervous freshman back in the fall of 2019, I couldn’t have dreamed of all the experiences I’ve had but I could not be any more grateful. I have built friendships that will last a lifetime, spoken to some of the greatest sports journalists in the nation and covered the greatest Aztec basketball team of all time — all thanks to The Daily Aztec.
It definitely wasn’t easy. Learning to move out of my comfort zone and putting myself and my work out into the world was difficult at first. But, over time I have grown more comfortable with interviewing, reporting on camera and publishing my work for the world to see. Now I feel ready to take on the professional world as I graduate this May. Having readers walk up to me on campus and say they enjoyed reading my work encouraged me to continue reporting.
With that, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get to the point I am now.
Thank you to both Jason and Andrew. You both were amazing editors and helped me tremendously by showing me the ropes of covering college sports and encouraging me to apply for the sports editor position.
Thank you to everyone on the Editorial Board for all the hard work you put into the paper this year and for helping make these experiences I have had possible.
Thank you to all my teachers and professors for pushing me to be the best writer and journalist I can be.
Thank you to my fellow sports editor, Morgan Prickett. I have no idea how I would’ve gotten through this semester without all the work you put in, whether it be contacting sources, editing or posting stories. I’m so grateful to have been able to share this last year with you.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed in some way to the sports section this year — you all are extremely talented and I appreciate all the stories, packages and social media posts you worked so hard on. I can’t wait to see what you all do in the future.
Finally, thank you to all my family and friends for all your love and support throughout both my four years in college and the previous 18 years of my life. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without you.
As I entered college I remembered being told how quickly it goes by. While I believed it to some extent, I truly can’t believe it is already over. I do not know what my future holds but I know for sure that I will always look back on my time at The Daily Aztec as one of the most influential of my life.