BOO To the drivers westbound on El Cajon Boulevard who think there are three lanes before 63rd Street. It’s only two lanes, you morons! Can’t you see that there is only one line painted? Cars are parked along the right, and when these morons realize it, they have to cut other drivers off to avoid hitting the parked cars. Learn how to drive. But a BRAVO to the people who drive down the middle of the right lane and don’t let these idiots pass.
BRAVO To Newt Gingrich. The speaker of the House was fined $300,000 for ethics violations. He could have opted to pay the fine out of campaign funds, but, instead, he said he will pay the money from his personal account. The first installment will come directly from his funds, the rest from a loan that he must repay. Rumor has it that Bob Dole is helping out Gingrich with the loan. You see, that Visa commercial paid off.
BOO To weaker “dolphin-safe” tuna laws. A bill that recently cleared the House Resources Committee would allow the importation of yellowfin tuna caught by using huge underwater nets. Environmentalists point out that these driftnets snare dolphins and fish other than tuna, significantly reducing their populations.
BOO To the “King of Pop,” Michael Jackson. Everywhere he goes, M.J. wears a disguise. We guess the plastic surgery he had done numerous times just wasn’t enough. Jackson has been photographed as, get this, a robot, an old man, a nurse and a fat guy. A robot? What the hell is the matter with him? Wacko-Jacko: What an appropriate name.