Sure, they finally won one, but what was once a season filled withhope and promise has evolved into a never-ending nightmare for theSan Diego Chargers.
After losing the first 11 games, the team knew things were bad. Butonce the team began blowing games in a fashion that makes newspaperheadlines quote Britney Spears lyrics –“Oops they did it again,” –a low point has been reached. A point San Diego had not seen sincethat dinosaur went rampaging through downtown a few years back.
I’ve got one of the last unusual, unheard perspectives on the jokethat has become the Chargers’ season: bemused detachment. I usher forthem, which in and of itself is fraught with all sorts of emotions.I’m essentially a paid fan, though I’m really not. It doesn’t matterto me if the Chargers win or lose — I don’t get a raise if they win– but as the season unfolds, the games have become more difficult towork.
Angry fans are getting into more fights and yelling moreobscenities for the whole two-and-a-half quarters they decide to staybefore leaving in disgust.
Take for instance, the Nov. 12 home game against the MiamiDolphins. As a worker, I arrive three hours before game time and do amild amount of mingling. After check-in, we get a briefing on what toexpect (large Miami turnout, many who don’t know the stadium so beextra attentive, etc.) At 11 a.m. everything goes nuts around me.
Nothing personal against Miami fans, but I am beginning to see howthese imbeciles screwed up the election. Eighty-five percent werehuman vases — pretty to look at but nothing inside of substance. Igot a lot of traffic from fans up in view for some reason, threefloors up from plaza where I work.
This is different from a Charger fan trying to sneak down (whywould you want to be closer this year of all years?) as I repeatedlypoint out to them to look for Neptune and hang a left. After cursingme they turn away, as I have taken a sledgehammer to their dreams.
Secondly, Charger fans, can I just inform you? I have no controlover the team. And, cursing in front of kids below age 10 is settinga very bad example. You may have paid a lot of money to see somethingapproximating professional football, but I can do nothing for you ifyour seat is in the sun. It doesn’t come with a knob, and Qualcommisn’t a dome. Next time, pick a better seat.
Stop picking fights with people who mock the Chargers. You lookstupid for fighting and you get kicked out. You’ve wasted money andyou look like the most stupid thing this side of someone who takesReed Albergotti’s columns seriously. Watch it at home if you can’tcontrol your murderous urges, or at least channel it toward thingsthat deserve it, i.e. Martha Stewart and/or boy bands.
After all, if we continue to commit such barbaric acts againsteach other, why would Michael Vick want to come play for us nextyear?
Did I mention I have no control over the team?
Butch is a journalism junior and staff writer for The Daily Aztec.He can be reached via e-mail to