Why you should vote for him:Gov. Mitt Romney is the 60-year-old Republican who is widely known for being Mormon. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, Romney graduated from Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School in 1975.As the governor of liberal Massachusetts, Romney is a different type of right-wing candidate. He proudly implemented a universal health care system within the state without raising taxes. He’s been a Republican frontrunner, but it’s questionable how long he’ll stay on top. Supporters claim that he’s “willing to change” his opinions on policies and advocate that it’s good that he’ll listen to different points of view.He tries to uphold a wholesome image, boasting that because he’s religious, he didn’t drink or do drugs while growing up – something our current Christian president can’t honestly say. It was foretold that his religion would slow him down in the race, but he’s won the Republican primary in three states. He’s also raised more money than the other Republican candidates.Why you shouldn’t vote for him:Simply said, he’s a flip-flopper. That title ultimately destroyed John Kerry’s chances of becoming president in 2004 and it’ll probably be Romney’s same fate. His changing on issues reveals an untrustworthy and disloyal image. He went from saying “Abortion should be safe and legal in this country ? I sustain and support that law, and the right of a woman to make that choice,” but has recently been quoted as saying that Roe v. Wade has “cheapened the value of human life.” He’s also switched sides on the issue of gay marriage, saying there should be “full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens,” but now claiming he’s “a champion of traditional marriage.” He flip-flopped with the Second Amendment as well, once saying, “I don’t line up with the N.R.A,” but in New Hampshire he said, “I’ve been a hunter pretty much all my life.” To some disappointment, his campaign confessed he’s only hunted twice in his life. Why the constant lies? Can America trust a man who also lied when he said that he would make a great president because he wouldn’t have lobbyists running his campaign, although registered lobbyists are his top advisers?
-Amanda Strouse is a journalism senior.
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