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The holiday brings with it such wonderful things, fear, anger andhate (Yoda 3:16) just to name a few. As the opinion editor I havelistened to anger mount on this campus as we head into the nextmillennium and I would just like to say: It’s about f–ing time.
At the beginning of this semester I begged and pleaded withleaders from many of our student organizations to write for theopinion section.
I told them the opinion section gives them a voice to reach thestudents who may want to get involved, but don’t know how. They saidno one had the time. I replied that it didn’t have to be a leaderwithin the organization, just someone that could speak on behalf ofthe organization. I received the same lazy response.
Then I offered that maybe if it was just one column per month itwould not be too much of a burden. They said no.
Then several weeks later I started receiving numerous lettersabout all the conservative fanatics that I had writing for thissection. But still, after all the letters from students the diverseorganizations on this campus still felt as if it was not part oftheir duty to bring a fresh outlook to a stagnant page.
Then they said that maybe I should try to get columnists thatrepresent the gamut of student viewpoints.
Are you f–ing kidding me? Maybe I should just tap into thewhatever psychic world these people are living, because that’s theonly way I can read the minds of people to figure out what stancesthey have on certain issues so I can psychically calculate thosethoughts against my current columnists.
This psychic hotline must be effective in getting the word outabout issues, because I think it is the same one studentorganizations have been using to educate the masses — by hopingpeople show up to their meetings and by waiting for students to cometo them, rather than actually doing some student outreach.
Butit’s not just the student leaders; it’s the students, too. They bitchand moan that the newspaper isn’t doing enough to give students avoice, when in fact, they only have the student organizations andthemselves to blame.
This newspaper isn’t a high school classroom. I’m not going to goaround and prod individual people to take part in a discussion. Thisnewspaper provides a forum for all student viewpoints. Barringunlawful statements I dare any one to prove that I received a letterand shelved it with some conspiracy agenda.
If a viewpoint wasn’t printed, it is because the student whoclaims that viewpoint was either too lazy, ignorant, worthless ormentally incapacitated, none of which I can take responsibility for.
If you don’t like something going on in the student arena, takesome action. Rip yourself out of your assprint on the couch,binge-drinking hangover, self-righteous state of mind, sexuallyfrustrated haze, Internet-porn fixation, or apathy-induced daze –and type your gripe.
This is my gripe and I printed it to get the word out. If you haveone then send it to us. If you don’t send it to us, then don’tcomplain because the world is passing by your clueless ass fasterthan the WB picks up tired and expired talent (if you can call itthat).
And by the way, I hope that something on the WB isn’t the sourceof your inactivity, because that would provide further fodder toshoot down your weak, lazy excuses.
This column is the opinion of the columnist and not The DailyAztec. Reggie Ellis is the Opinion Editor of The Daily Aztec.