For all graduating seniors who still haven’t purchased a cap andgown, ordered graduation announcements, picked up tickets or takengraduation photos, head to the south side of the Campus Bookstore forthe last day of GradFest.
GradFest takes place annually and provides a one-stop venue forgraduating seniors to get most everything they need for commencement,Bookstore Director Sylvia Mangubat said.
Today marks the end of GradFest, with the event lasting from April9 -11.
“The purpose of GradFest is to get (seniors) excited forgraduation,” said kinesiology senior Jessica Butier, who plans onpicking up her graduation trinkets at the event.
Graduates taking part in the commencement ceremonies on May 16, 18and 19 can also purchase the less-necessary — but still fun to have– items such as a class ring, diploma frame or plaque, and an SDSUalumni sweatshirt.
They can also inquire about special concerns they may haveregarding graduation, such as access for disabled graduates and theavailability of corsages, flowers and leis during the ceremonies.
Graduates can also throw on their just-purchased caps and gownsand pose for graduation photos.
Free “Class of 2002” T-shirts are also given out with the purchaseof a cap and gown.
Graduates can speak with representatives from different campusorganizations such as the Alumni Association and Career Services, andcan even join the Alumni Association for $20.
Students can pick up tickets and purchasable items such as a classring at a later date, but it is best to do so during GradFest,Mangubat said.
Students are given tickets according to their colleges and it isimportant that they get these tickets now, Mangubat said.
“Allocation may not be the same later,” she said.
A graduate from the College of Professional Studies and Fine Artscan only receive six tickets, and a graduate from the College ofHealth and Human Services can receive 24. Other colleges such as Artsand Letters, Business, and Sciences and Engineering are allowing 10tickets per graduating senior, according to SDSU’s Commencement Website.
The event is festive and upbeat and the experience is worthwhile,Mangubat said.
“Everything a senior needs for graduation can be found atGradFest,” communication senior Julie Friedlander said. “It was veryinformative, well-organized and there weren’t that many long lines.”
To find out more information about graduation, students cancontact the Commencement Hotline at (619) 594-3066, or check out theCommencement Web site at who are unable to attend GradFest can also call (619)594-7493.