Hello, today I was on campus and I was walking down centennialwalkway and I was suddenly bombarded by tons of people handing outfliers for the current school elections. I was in shock of how rudeand annoying these candidates were. They would ask me if I had voted,and I would give them “No” for an answer, and they would bother mewith all these ridiculous reasons on why I should be voting, andabout how my vote counts. They need to shut up and tell somebody whocares, because I really don’t.
One girl even followed me and walked with me giving me all sortsof dumb reasons why I should vote. I understand they are trying towin an election, but they need to learn that this is college and notsome dumb high school election. Have some respect and don’t go andrelentlessly pester people who really don’t give a damn and don’twant to hold those dumb little fliers that the candidates pass out.As if we don’t see their names on those signs already? Now they aregiving is (sic) goddamn stationary? They need to grow up.
–Justin Thomasllberal (sic) studies junior
It is amazing that every time I decide to check in with my almamater, a raging debate is looming and the organization that is behindthe controversy is MEChA. This is an organization that is so far outof step with the ideals that it was founded on that the person whocreated it was thrown out of the organization because he chastisedMEChA for becoming too radical and moving away from what it wasfounded on.
While I was at state, I warned the students of our greatuniversity that this was an organization not to be trusted because ofits racist beliefs. I apologize to the people who are associated withthe organization who obviously do not hold the beliefs that RonGochez has, but you have elected him to be your ambassador to theoutside world.
For those of you who do support Gochez’s remarks, I urge you topaint a small mustache on Gochez’s face and ask him to read you hisletter one more time. This time though, ask him to not make yousalute him with a single arm raised slightly above your head.
When will the university, or the students for that matter, opentheir eyes to see exactly what MEChA espouses? It is hate, anger,rage and racism, and it is protected by the school because it is aChicano/a, Mexican-American group and the politically correct thingto do is to allow them to vent their anger because they havesupposedly been persecuted.
However, when their message begins to put other groups, especiallyother minority groups, into danger, they should not be supported atthe university. Especially a university that prides itself for itsdiversity. The protection of this group is putting all other groupsin danger. This “brown pride” language can be supplanted with theteachings of William Pierce (think “white power”) and you would notknow the difference. The only difference is, we protect Gochez’sremarks and rebuke Pierce’s.
Any form of racism should not be tolerated by our university. Itis sad to see an organization that has had so many great leaders(Celinda Vasquez, “Memo” Mayer, Carlos Raza, etc.) be usurped by aman, and obviously enough followers to get him elected “chairman,”which espouses such hate. I ask the students to rise up against thisorganization’s teachings and demand that the university take action.Once MEChA returns to the ideals that it was founded on it shouldthen, once again, be allowed to be recognized as an on-campus group.Until then, the University should strip their privileged status.
–Jason WoodSan Diego State University alumnus
A short while ago, Secretary of State Colin Powell used a term indescribing the obstacles it took for him to reach the position he’sin that might have lifted some brows; specifically the term “whitepower structure.” Now, being a person of Anglo background, I was notoffended in the least by his choice of words because it is agenerally accepted truth that white men are at the top of the powerstructure here in the United States. So why is it that Ron Gochez isderided for referring to the media as “Jewish-owned?”
Who can doubt that Jewish people make up the majority of those whoare at the top of media outlets here in the United States. and stillpermeate its politics at many levels? The New York Times, many radiostations, and the major movie production studios (MGM, Fox, andParamount) are just some examples of media outlets that were foundedby Jews and are still largely run by Jews at many levels.
Now, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the media inAmerica is largely headed and administered by Jews, but the problemthat I believe Mr. Gochez was addressing is the very real possibilitythat the content of that media may be influenced in a propagandistmanner by Jewish interests. If I turn on the news on my televisionand want to learn about the ongoing violence in Israel and theOccupied Territories, then I would hope that the editor or reporterof that news broadcasting service does not let his or her own viewson the topic dictate how the story is reported. Judging by thelargely negative press that Arabs receive in the American press (andsome Arab governments rightly so), I’m not so sure that the ideal ofunbiased journalism is the norm. Unfortunately, Jewish domination ofmedia outlets in the United States has left Americans with aone-sided view of the Middle East conflict, which is heavily tiltedin favor of Israel.
And by the way Mr. Bloomberg (letter to the editor: “Student: Ifyou don’t like America, get out!” March 26), you should be carefulabout your choice of words when you imply that the people of MiddleEastern descent who have disappeared are engaging in “illegal visas,illegal connections, (etc.).” The majority of those rounded-up by theFBI who were of Middle Eastern descent after the Sept. 11 attackswere law-abiding people with no criminal record and no connectionwhatsoever to any form of terrorism or anti-American ideologies.These people have been held with no formal charges and no idea ofwhen they will be released. A mockery of the American justice systemif you ask me. And isn’t Bloomberg a Jewish surname? I have yet tomeet anyone of Scandinavian descent who has that name.
The long and short of it is, while I may not fully agree with allof Mr. Gochez’s views, I don’t think that anyone should be quick tobrand him as an anti-Semite on the basis of his comment. Jewishpeople need to be aware that not every comment that may beunfavorable to them equals anti-Semitism.
–Heinrich Smythepolitical science junior
In response to Benjamin Abel’s article titled, “All the liberalsdeserve each other,” (March 26), I must say that if anybody should besent away to his own country, it should be Ben Abel. If I was aconservative, I would be ashamed to be mentioned in the same companyas him. His articles do nothing more than attack liberals in the mostuneducated and ignorant fashion. They are of no real substance otherthan to vent his own frustration toward liberal people. What’s thematter, Ben, did a democrat beat you up in high school? Get a lifeand stop writing stupid columns about nothing. Blow us all away andwrite about something important like why John Ashcroft needs to spendtaxpayer dollars to cover 100-year-old pieces of art.
–Laura McGannpolitical science sophomore
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