The Institute of International Education 2003 Open Doors Reportnow ranks San Diego State third nationwide among doctoraluniversities for students who are studying abroad – an eight spotleap in the rankings from two years ago.
According to Assistant Director for Education Abroad RobertCarolin, the study abroad program’s jump to third place came as aresult of putting more effort into the program’s faculty and theInternational Programs Council while encouraging more students tostudy abroad.
Although this academic background is required for majors such asinternational business and international security and conflictresolution, it is the most powerful educational experience studentscan have, according to Provost Nancy Marlin.
“We are increasingly seeing employers who want this experience inour graduates,” Marlin said, “and given the current world situation,greater international understanding is what is truly needed forlong-term national and international security.”
Director of Career Services Judith Gumbiner said a doctoratedegree adds value to one’s career, but is best utilized whencommensurate experience accompanies it. While it gives them acompetitive edge, she said, most students have a broader perspectiveand typically pursue a career in international trade, teaching,foreign services or issues related to currency.
“These students are usually more worldly and it helps on ar