Last Sunday between the hours of 2 and 6:30 a.m., all 25 posters promoting a group of candidates running for the San Diego State Associated Students executive board were torn down, thrown away and, in many cases, irreversibly destroyed.
The vandalism, which is estimated to have caused more than $2000 in damage, occurred only two days after the posters and signs were erected.
The 25 posters belonged to five candidates campaigning together as a group, or “slate” as it is informally referred to within A.S. Each member of the slate had four posters advertising themselves as individuals. The candidates also shared one poster featuring the five of them together.
Most were recovered, but some were unable to be located or were damaged beyond repair. These posters were displayed throughout the campus from Campanile Walkway to the residence halls to Storm Hall. The vandals did not miss a single one.
A.S. presidential candidate Rob O’Keefe, current vice president of finance and one of the victims of the attack, said while it seems obvious the crime was directed toward him and his slate, he does not believe the individuals responsible came from within A.S.
“I don’t think it’s anyone associated with A.S. elections. It’s probably someone who’s anti-establishment or maybe someone out late who’s been drinking,” O’Keefe said.
SDSU Police Department said it received a report of 10 signs being thrown away or destroyed.
It is unknown whether any other candidate or slate’s posters and signs were targeted last weekend; police are investigating the incident.
“This happens every year. Someone always tears down A.S. candidate posters,” SDSUPD Capt. Lamine Secka said.
O’Keefe and the other victimized candidates will voice concern to the A.S. elections committee to inquire whether any future precautions can be taken to prevent similar incidents.