Name: Mariah Kelly
Position running for: Vice President of Financial Affairs
Major: Business Administration
Year: Junior
My experience:
As a freshman, I took on my first college leadership role when I became captain and founding president of K.O. Hip-Hop Team. Selected by the first lady of the university and prominent staff of the University Relations and Development division, I serve as student representation at presidential events, including University House receptions and galas.
Currently, as the president of the Afrikan Student Union, I have been told by administration that I am, “the face of one of the largest student organizations on campus.”
What I would do differently than my predecessor…
Having served on the Finance Restructuring Committee, my focus would be to hone in on all areas of the budget to truly analyze what cuts and reallocations need to be made to ensure that the new structure can flourish.
What makes me different…
My selfless dedication. I believe that serving others and focusing on the greater good rather than individual gain and growth is key. In the Afrikan Student Union, we focus on “lifting as we climb.” These are things that I personally pride myself on at all times.
If i could change or improve one thing about SDSU…
One thing that I would improve about SDSU is the amount of students that get involved on campus. About 80 percent of SDSU students complete their college career having only participated in their classes. It has been proven that involvement increases retention rates and I believe that it also magnifies school pride, which in turn creates better alumni and helps to sustain the Aztec legacy.
If elected, my No. 1 priority will be…
Ensuring a smooth transition into the new government structure. It’s no secret that some students are very excited about this new change, others are a little weary of what is to come. Decentralizing the board of directors and promoting specialization in different areas will foster quicker results and more invested conversation of issues. In relation to my position and ensuring that the new structure thrives, I will put emphasis on making sure that every area of Associated Students has an adequate budget to fulfill its purpose.
Fun fact:
I enjoy all genres of dance and my friends all know that I am liable to break out in full-on choreography sessions at any given second.

Name: Dara Majdi
Position running for: Vice President of Financial Affairs
Major: Business Marketing
Year: Junior
My experience:
Associated Students Council, College of Business Representative, A.S. Executive Committee, Associated Business Student Council
What I would do differently than my predecessor…
This year, the vice president of finance doubled the previous amount of food raised by Aztecs Rock Hunger, and I hope to push the bar even further next year.
What makes me different…
Most people on campus (leaders included) keep to their own groups or clicks. I feel as though I have experience in many different aspects on campus. Being involved with A.S., cultural organizations, academic associations, as well as participating avidly at Aztec sporting events, I have the necessary experience to say that I represent all Aztecs.
If I could change or improve one thing about SDSU…
If elected, I would implement a more efficient “follow-up system” regarding the allocation of funding to organizations on campus. I would like to make A.S.’s financial analysis more easily understood, so that it is much more easily communicated among its boards and students.
If elected, my No. 1 priority would be…
I feel as though one of today’s biggest issues is within each student leader. The easiest thing to do when you have school, work, exams or projects going on is to put your involvements dead-last on your priority list. Whether elected… or not elected, I promise to never put A.S. on the back burner. I promise never to abandon my post, even if it’s for a quick minute.
I believe the California State University system’s biggest struggle is…
The morale. In hard times and many late nights, CSU student leaders are put to the test. The biggest struggle is handling the pressure and keep fighting with a smile on your face.
Fun fact:
That’s an easy one. Just like my father before me, I was born with two webbed toes. Yes, I can swim faster because of it and no, I have never considered surgically fixing it.