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“Cut the Crap,” the title of the worst album by arguably one of the best bands ever, The Clash, is also a statement I snarl at my computer and radio at least 10 times a week.
The rapid evolution of media technology in the 21st century has helped make music more accessible and ubiquitous than ever before, with a variety of outlets that can be customized in order to suit individual needs and tastes. Yet often upon suffering through endless commercials from streaming services, the slow deaths of several good tunes due to overexposure on mainstream radio and the frustrating repetitiveness of selections from MP3 players supposedly programmed to shuffle, I can’t help thinking that the proliferation of these outlets, in spite of the obvious benefits, has increased exposure to the kind of sonic sludge that can send listeners spiraling into existential despair.
The grail quest of modern living is that search for a good song, to find the right tune that fits your mood, makes you feel good, or perfectly encapsulates the rage you felt after breaking up with the significant other you can’t believe you fell for in the first place. Sometimes, it can feel like more of a struggle than necessary, which is why KCR College Radio exists within the bowels of the airwaves to provide a musical oasis for those weary of traversing a sea of substandard songs. From Room 122 of the Communications building on campus, San Diego State student and alumni disc jockeys broadcast an array of sports, music and news programs with personal flair and unbridled enthusiasm sparked by the freedom of having complete creative control of their shows. Consequently, if you tune in through the station website (kcr.sdsu.edu), your TV (Channel 956 with Cox Digital Cable or Channel 957 with Time Warner Digital Cable) and even an iPod or smartphone (download the TuneIn application and search KCR), you’ll have an incredibly personable radio experience quite unlike anything you’ll encounter on other broadcast or streaming stations.
DJs such as myself are in the studio seven days a week, putting on the best shows we can that reflect our individual interests and passions but also strive to stimulate relationships with listeners, as well as the San Diego community at large. Matthew Bain is one of the co-announcers covering SDSU ice hockey games on weekends, while KCR General Manager Matthew Anderson spends 3-4 p.m. on Fridays discussing local news between songs on the music/talk radio hybrid he’s deemed “SD Chillin.’” Feeling like solely exploring uncharted musical territory? The “Unknown Artist Hour,” starting at 6 p.m. on Mondays features bands, such as Flyleaf and Thousand Foot Krutch, alongside tracks from indie and local musicians around the world, in celebration of the individuals who’ve inspired the show’s namesake. That’s right, I’m talking about you, unknown artists; if you send dapper DJs Mackenzie and Alex your music demos, they are guaranteed college radio airplay. For anyone who likes the pulse of electro and house music, check in from 6-8 p.m. on what senior Cris Gonzalez deems “Thirrrsty Thursdays.” He breaks out his turntables to create his beats live in studio, and will shout out to listeners who give him a call during his show.
To reiterate: KCR DJs are allowed to play whatever they want, partly because they’re not subject to the creative, demographic or time constraints that affect the environment and operations of corporate stations. How do I know this? I loved volunteering at KCR so much, I decided to apply for an internship at Clear Channel Communications. My four-month tenure working for its promotions department was a source of invaluable professional and personal experiences. Thanks to KCR, I was able to pursue my passions while developing skills that helped me succeed as an employee of an international media company, and which will likely prove essential in future career endeavors.
The word is out. There’s a student-run radio station right on campus that can be heard anytime, from practically anywhere in the world. Around the clock, your peers are delivering an assortment of blistering tunes, news features, and sports coverage designed to ensnare the ears and satisfy the soul, made possible thanks to the support of listeners like you. Call us any time to let us know how we’re doing in our quest to halt the roulette of radio gaga and consistently underwhelming tunes in its tracks. It’s an ambitious task, but still worth undertaking.
Dana Silverman is the host of “20th Century Fox” on KCR College Radio. Contact KCR on the studio request line 619-594-6982 or at kcr.sdsu.edu.
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