Trending Topic: #WelcomeToSanDiego
There’s nothing San Diego embraces more than it’s sunny weather. This week, as the weather reached well above 70 degrees, #WelcomeToSanDiego became a Worldwide trend:
Becky Parker (@beckyraeparker): Can’t beat 75 degree weather in the middle of February! #WelcomeToSanDiego
David Guzman (@SDSU_Aztec): #WelcomeToSanDiego Yes, it’s winter. Yes, you just saw a guy wearing shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt…
Brian West (@bwest619): #WelcomeToSanDiego Always sunny, best Mexican food north of the border, beautiful beaches, tons of places to drink and chill.
The perks of warm temperatures are immeasurable. Therefore, the sunny weather is welcomed to stay!
Trending Topic: Marie Colvin
On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, war correspondent for The Sunday Times, along with Rémi Ochlik, a French photographer, were killed. According to The Huffington Post, the journalists, who may have been deliberately targeted, died after a makeshift media center was hit as Syrian security forces shelled the city of Homs.
“I watched a little baby die today” were the strong words that Colvin has left us with. The journalist had called into Anderson Cooper’s CNN show just one day before her death. During the call she recounts seeing a child die and witnessing constant shelling.
Following her death, The Sunday Times released Colvin’s final written report.
Here is what Colvin’s colleagues expressed on Twitter:
James Chapman (@jameschappers): Dreadful day for journalism as the fearless Marie Colvin of the Sunday Times killed in Syria.
Katie Couric (@katiecouric): RIP Marie Colvin of the Sunday Times. Brave war correspondent who died in Syria. Met her in Cairo. Amazing journalist, great woman.
Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan): #RIP Marie Colvin – a true heroine amongst so many brilliant, fearless war correspondents. Dreadful news.
Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper): Marie Colvin of the Sunday Times was killed in #Homes #Syria. She gave voice to so many peoples’ suffering, bore witness to so much injustice.
Trending Topic: #BackWhenIWasAKid
Back when I was a kid, Lion King—my absolute favorite movie then—represented the essence of childhood with it’s famous phrase, “Hakuna Matata”. As I think about it, “no worries for the rest of the day” is as good as it gets. Of course, life has changed.
This week, Twitter reminisced with some funny, nostalgic and honest tweets:
Jesse Burgess (@jesse_burgess): #BackWhenIWasAKid the highlight of my week was the toy in the new cereal box…
Mike Monti (@TheMikeMonti): #BackWhenIWasAKid 16 and pregnant was a problem not a TV show.
Tparsons (@tparsons): #BackWhenIWasAKid MTV still played music.
Bree (@SquadofBieber): #BackWhenIWasAKid Apple and Blackberry were only fruits…
90sKid (@herestotha90s): #BackWhenIWasAKid 3D glasses looked like this.
One thing that will remain consistent about childhood from generation to generation is the “Hakuna Matata” atmosphere.