Hutton Marshall, Blogger for J.A.M.
Interdisciplinary Studies
What’s your musical taste? Does it vary and has it changed overtime?
Anything with a beat for the most part. This stems from my uncontrollable urge to make a fool out of myself by dancing.
My musical taste changes from day to day, and even during the course of the day. I wouldn’t like to listen to the same thing waking up Saturday morning as I would at 11 p.m. that night.
What I really look for is an attempt at something new while remaining enjoyable to the ear holes. Animal Collective is probably my favorite example of this.
Who are the last five artists you listened to:
Crystal Castles, Bob Dylan, Ratatat, Booka Shade, and Nate Dogg (RIP).
What’s your preferred method of getting music (iPod, computer, live music, etc.)?
Not much of my money goes toward music these days — but that isn’t to say I’m some sort of pirate. Pandora and Youtube are good sources for discovering music, and Myspace has somehow stayed relevant as a way for new musicians to get their name out.
If you could put together a show of three artists, dead or alive, who would they be and why:
1. Daft Punk: No explanation needed.
2. Led Zeppelin: I’d like to enjoy a time when rock ‘n’ roll was, well, rock ‘n’ roll.
3. The Feznips: The Feznips haven’t formed yet, because they’re a band that exists in the future. After the singularity (e.g. the moment scientists say our minds and artificial intelligence will become integrated) music is going to be something to see. The Feznips are going to be one of the classics of that era.
What was your first album, why did you get it or why was it given to you?
Black and Blue by The Backstreet Boys. There, you made me say it. I bought it because… well I’m not sure I could even imagine a good reason for spending money on such a thing. Perhaps I wanted to spite ‘N Sync.
Favorite spot for music in SD/anywhere:
Any show in a house or a garage — the smaller the venue, the better. I get the most out of a show when I’m in the same room as the musicians or DJs, even if it’s just seeing my friends playing noisily in their garage.
What’s your take on SDSU’s music scene (if any):
It’s like the Loch Ness Monster. I know it exists, but most people seem to laugh at the thought of it and write it off as a preposterous myth. I’ve come into contact with some great musicians at this school. If you want proof they’re out there, drop by the next open mic night on campus.