Last Wednesday afternoon, Associated Students’ first meeting of the fall semester took place in the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center.
One special attendee, San Diego State President Elliot Hirshman attended the meeting, fielded questions from the students and congratulated the student government for being representatives of SDSU. According to Hirshman, both attending the university and representing it should be considered an honor as SDSU’s graduation rate had the largest nationwide increase this past year.
After acknowledgements, students had the chance to interview the university’s eighth president, with questions ranging from club invitations to job-related inquiries.
Hirshman said he chose to become the new president because he had a “gut feeling,” explaining he had not visited the campus nor had he met any students before making the decision.
While addressing his primary goals, Hirshman headed his list with budget issues. He highlighted the future $100 million cut awaiting the California State University system and said he hoped it would be temporary.
Green Love, the A.S. enviro-conscious chapter, also made an appearance at the meeting with A.S. sustainability commissioner Morgan Chan. Chan asked Hirshman for his personal definition of sustainability. Hirshman answered that such a term is a clear reflection of the time in which we live in. He also said if a club or student were to present him with an idea or project, the environmental aspect would not be his only concern.
“The environment is an important part, but not the only part,” Hirshman said. “There are more different threats to our sustainability.” The different threats, he said, are financial issues.