Name: Antonio Morales (6-1)
Title: Sports Editor
Prediction: Boise State, Bowling Green, Colorado, TCU, Texas Tech, SDSU, Hawaii
Quotable: “3-0 would be a real good look.”
Name: Ryan Schuler (12-1)
Title: Contributor
Prediction: Boise State, Bowling Green, Colorado, TCU, Texas Tech, SDSU, Hawaii
Quotable: “I hope Tom Brady breaks his throwing arm before Sunday.”
Name: Agustin Gonzalez (11-2)
Title: Staff Writer
Prediction: Boise State, Bowling Green, Colorado, TCU, Texas Tech, SDSU, Hawaii
Quotable: “Insert witty comment here.”
Name: Beau Bearden (5-1)
Title: Contributor
Prediction: Boise State, Bowling Green, Coloarado, TCU, Texas Tech, SDSU, Hawaii
Quotable: “Last week’s quotable was an utter fail aka #BeauBearden. So here’s something newsworthy. Geico shouldn’t have any competition at Aztec games now that GeckShow is retired.”