Name: Antonio Morales
Title: Sports Editor
Prediction: Michigan, TCU, Air Force, New Mexico, Nebraska, Boise State, Colorado State, UNLV
Quotable: “I’m not worried about these picks as much as I’m going to be worried for my life in Detroit this weekend.”
Name: Ryan Schuler (17-3)
Title: Contributor
Prediction: Michigan, TCU, Air Force, New Mexico, Nebraska, Boise State, Utah State, UNLV
Quotable: “I dare Antonio to yell ‘Ohio State is the best’ at The Big House this weekend. Let me know how it turns out, Antonio.”
Name: Agustin Gonzalez (16-4)
Title: Staff Writer
Prediction: SDSU, TCU, Air Force, New Mexico, Boise State, Utah State, UNLV
Quotable: “Beau Bearden”
Name: Beau Bearden (10-3)
Title: Contributor
Prediction: SDSU, TCU, Air Force, Sam Houston State, Nebraska, Boise State, Utah State, UNLV
Quotable: “This week’s quotable comes from a buddy of mine who shall remain anonymous, ‘Hoke is a joke, come to Effin’s.’ 3-D.”