This weekend, a burglary occurred at the Chemical Sciences Laboratory on Canyon Crest Drive. The suspected date of the break-in was last Thursday.
The items stolen include various computer parts and other technological equipment.
Along with this burglary, a car parked at Calpulli Center was broken into Friday morning between 8 and 11 a.m. The thief smashed the back driver-side window and fled with the owner’s $1,200 laptop.
Several large parties also took place this weekend, including one with more than 40 people in the far parking lot of Albert’s College Apartments
In addition, several students were rushed to Alvarado Hospital Medical Center with alcohol poisoning Friday and Saturday evenings at both the Pi Beta Phi sorority and the Maya Residence Hall.
Finally, a disturbing the peace call was made at The Granada on Hardy apartments at 4:48 a.m. yesterday morning. Three male subjects were reportedly seen and heard running around the complex playing a trumpet. However, when the officer reached the scene, they were nowhere to be found.
—Compiled by staff writer Kevin Smead