San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

IT’S NOT WHITE BOY DAY: You’re cracking my egg

    This is a public service announcement intended to improve the overall quality of life on campus.

    I’ve been noticing a few things that have been making it hard for me to show my sunny side. Up until now, I just figured these things would work themselves out as students wise up to campus life. Well, that hasn’t happened yet, so hopefully this will help.

    Stop walking up or down the wrong side of stairwells. You know how when you’re driving in the USA, cars are always on the right side of the road, no matter which way you are going? This allows traffic to flow smoothly, like an eggshell, a lot smoother than if cars were allowed to go on either side in either direction.

    The same idea works with stairwells, especially when they incorporate a middle handrail, making the division even more clear. I’m in Storm Hall trying to get to the second floor so I can learn about spatial statistics, which itself is a thrill, and I don’t need the added excitement of risking death on the stairs because people are too stupid to understand pedestrian traffic patterns.

    My next beef is with the students who feel they can’t wait for a class to be empty before entering. It happens mostly in the big classrooms: the AL 101s and what have you. Example: Class is over and I make my way to the door with the intention of getting one of those delicious egg salad sandwiches from the market before my next class. Before I even get to the door, I realize that I can kiss that protein dream goodbye; students waiting to get in are crowding the door like pigeons and the door is like the poor people locked inside the Titanic.

    What’s the rush? These classrooms have about five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred seats, it’s not going to fill up in the first two minutes. I thought Daygo was s’pose to be a laid back city, ya’ll ackin’ like square bears.

    On a further related note, stop stopping in the middle of a hallway to have a conversation. Either move to the side, do a TV style walk-and-talk or find some other way to avoid obstructing the thoroughfare, om-e-lette you decide how. There are few quicker ways to get me hard-boiled, especially when you can move over easy.

    Look, San Diego State. I’m just a regular guy. Intelligent? Unusually so. Polite? **** yes. But I don’t think we are that different. We’re all made from the same rib or mud or aliens that started this human race, so please take a second and think about your fellow man and move out of the way.

    8212;Tanner Rollin is a geography senior.

    8212;This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec.

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    San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
    IT’S NOT WHITE BOY DAY: You’re cracking my egg