As I sit down to read last Thursday’s Daily Aztec, two articlescatch my eye. First is “A Leg Up,” in which Jason Williams presentsUCSD’s new evidence for macroevolution. (Feb. 14) What I see is awhole bunch of scientists working hard to stretch the scientifictruth in order to make people think that macroevolution is science.
“Scientists BELIEVE random…” is a quote straight from thearticle. Why is it that macroevolutionists can state that they arepresenting science when they say they “believe” something. You’llrarely hear a creationist state that he or she can completely proveGod’s creation, but you’ll most likely always here (sic) them saythat they believe in creation, thus making it a religious belief(which they do not deny).
Which brings me to the second article that caught my attention.”Kansas: fighting the good fight against education,” makes referenceto the Kansas school board’s trying to “rout evolution from K-12curriculum.” (Jason Williams, Feb. 14) Tell me, if you WERE to cutevolution from the public school system or even just teachcreationism along with it, do you really think evolution would last?
Hitler once said that if you tell a lie long enough and loudenough, people will believe it. Well, macroevolution has been toldlong enough and loud enough that people do believe it. The onlyreason it is still around is that it is blended in with the realscience that is being taught in our public schools.
Why don’t all the macroevolutionists get together and teach theirBELIEF in their own, self-funded school. To close, please do notridicule me for my disbelief in macroevolution by saying that I donot believe in evolution at all. MICROevolution is scientific fact,but MACROevolution is not.
–Brian Chouinardmarine biology junior
After reading Mr. Zarro’s piece on the United States using theEuropean union as a mediator, (“U.S. needs to look to E.U. foradvice,” Feb. 18) I am prompted to suggest history as a major forthis undeclared sophomore. I would suggest classes in the following:
1.) Creation of the Modern Middle East – For anunderstanding of the Europeans’ culpability in why the Middle East isso messed up today.
2.) Geopolitics of the Middle East – To learn about howMiddle East nations interact with one another and the outside world.
3.) Governmental Structures of the Middle East – To learnwhy governments have little to do, directly, with fixing the current”terrorism problem.”
4.) Modern Terrorism – To learn how Al Qaeda and groupslike it function, from financing to terror training to blending inand what their goals are. That no amount of “mediation” will helpwith them.
5.) WWII History, 1933-1940 – To learn how successful apolicy appeasement can be. Special emphasis on Neville “Peace in ourday” Chamberlain, the French roll-over and the Vichey government.
This is just a small assortment of classes, should they exist atSDSU, that would help Mr. Zarro’s understanding. I am not in totaldisagreement with him, however, as the topic of Palestine is beingdealt with, in my view, incorrectly by the Bush administration.
–Dan CannonSDSU class of 1987
The liberalism in this school is downright disgusting and isdetrimental to the focus of the university. First, the universityspends tons of money on changing Monty to some dumb ambassadorbecause he is supposedly racist. Now, no one likes it — even theliberals that wanted to change it in the first place. Instead ofdealing with issues of academia the school is dealing with liberalistcrap. I have a cool idea, for you liberalists, why not change ourmascot to “the SDSU pieces of paper.” No one is offended by the pieceof paper and we can spend a whole bunch of money on changing it fromthe joke of a mascot we have now. Think about how much wasteful moneywe can spend on changing logos, and school signs, and everything. Youliberals make me sick, your liberalism is costing the school moneywhich can be allocated toward academia. Get off your liberalistshorse, and start trying to address real issues like academia insteadof changing Monty and the Aztec Center because it’s racist!
–Samuel Youngeconomics senior
Rename Aztec Center? That is the most ridiculous idea since thechanging of our mascot from a symbol of strength like Monty Montezumato the “politically correct” mockery that is Ambassador Montezuma.
What is happening to this institution?
I have lived less than two miles from this campus for the majorityof my life; and in the three years I have been a student at SDSU, Iam (sic) ashamed to have been associated with such ignorance andstupidity over the names of buildings and the appearance of mascots.
I have no desire to dispute the greatness of civil rights leadersCesar Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King, but change the name of AztecCenter to Chavez/King Student Union? Let’s be reasonable.
Council members Molina, Paleja and Green favor the name changebecause they say the campus doesn’t properly acknowledge the stateholidays for Chavez and King. The campus doesn’t acknowledge almostany holidays, including President’s Day. Last time I checked,Washington and Lincoln were pretty important in this country.
I respect the feelings of every individual and group on thiscampus but I also respect the name and mascot of this university. Tome, the Aztec is a symbol of strength and pride exemplified by MontyMontezuma.
I am ashamed to see Ambassador Montezuma, who is less intimidatingthan the Padres’ Swinging Friar, and ashamed that this universitywould even consider changing the name of Aztec Center.
–Justin Penichejournalism junior
–The Daily Aztec welcomes letters on all subjects, sections andstories. Letters may be edited for brevity and libelous or overtlyoffensive content. Letters must include the writer’s year in schooland major, or professional title. The Aztec offices are located inthe basement of the Business Administration and Mathematics building.Please send e-mail