The trailer for “The Pursuit of Happyness” portrays the true story of a man attempting to live his dream while caring for his son as the two struggle to survive on the streets of San Francisco. The film lives up to that storyline, creating a feeling of a father and son relying on each other to get through the most dire circumstances.
Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a struggling medical-device salesman who decides to abandon his trade and become a stock broker. He enters a highly competitive internship program at the Dean Witter firm. As he tries to outshine the other interns, the hardships he’s plagued with reach a climax.
Overwhelmed by the family’s financial debt, Gardner’s wife Linda (Thandie Newton) leaves him and their 5-year-old son Christopher (who is played by Smith’s real-life son, Jaden Smith). The bad luck continues to pile up and Gardner and Christopher are forced out of their apartment and into a low-end motel.
From there, director Gabriele Muccino turns the film into a harsh look at what Gardner had to go through as he juggled living from day-to-day, trying to be a good role model for his son and working toward his dream job.
Gardner’s misfortunes add a touch of humor to the story, such as his knack for getting parking tickets at the worst possible time or when hippies continually steal the bone density scanners Gardner sold. He’s constantly picked on at work by his manager (Dan Castenella) and is always looking to impress his bosses (Brian Howe and James Karen), just like a student who is fresh out of college trying to land his first job.
The film climaxes when the Internal Revenue Service seizes the remaining $600 in Gardner’s account and he and Christopher can no longer afford their motel room. Now both are at a point where a roof over their heads every night isn’t guaranteed.
It’s hard enough for one homeless person to make ends meet, but to do it with a child in his care is a daunting task.
Despite the emotional storyline, both Smiths give genuine performances that should tug the heart strings of audience members.
Although the father-son relationship is drawn out a bit much, it makes a powerful centerpiece for the film. The scene that underscores this best is when the Gardners can’t find any shelter and have to spend the night in the bathroom of a subway station. While it’s meant to represent one of the lowest moments in Gardner’s life, it shows the strongest point in his relationship with his son. The fact that Smith is acting with his actual son establishes this connection deeper than if he were working with another child actor.
“The Pursuit of Happyness” is a well-made film inspired by true accounts that stir emotions. The movie challenges the audience to examine their fortunes. Though it’s easy to guess where the story will eventually lead, the Smiths’ performances are genuine. “The Pursuit of Happyness” should generate some buzz come Oscar time.
Movie: The Pursuit of HappynessDirector: Gabriele MuccinoStarring: Will Smith, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith & Thandie NewtonGenre: MusicalRating: PG-13Release Date: FridayGrade: A-