While I do understand what Mr. Gilbert means when he implies that”the dismal state of our intelligence agencies” was somehow to blamefor the national tragedy of Sept. 11 (“Ignorance to blame for Sept.11,” Morgan Gilbert, Feb. 12), let us not forget who was really toblame for the destruction and lives lost on that fateful day:
Those who hijacked the planes.
There is nobody to blame but the terrorists. Their narrow mindsand hardened hearts murdered thousands of innocent people. Somehow, Idon’t think that’s the CIA’s fault.
Call me a cynic, but I believe that no matter how “ready” we arefor a terrorist attack, some ingenious warmonger, with the rightweapon in the right place at the right time, coupled with a bit ofluck, will be able to wreak havoc no matter how prepared we are.That’s just the nature of crazy psychopathic fundamentalists, isn’tit? Besides, the United States is not a police state — we will notand cannot keep an eye on everybody that crosses our borders.
I don’t mean that we shouldn’t amp up the CIA and other similaragencies — we certainly should. But maybe we should stop laying theblame for Sept. 11 on our lack of intelligence information. If itwasn’t for all the crazies out there, we wouldn’t need a CIA.
–Travis Clevelandgeography senior
Ethnicity not the media’s motive in Daniellevan Dam case
Scott Simpson assumes in his article, “Kidnapping case a mediadebacle” (Feb. 19), that if Danielle van Dam were not an upper-classwhite girl, her case would not receive so much media attention. Healso believes that her case is receiving much undeserved newscoverage.
I wonder if Mr. Simpson remembers the little girl, JasmineAnderson, who was kidnapped from a Chicago train station ChristmasDay. This little girl was from an ordinary Milwaukee neighborhood.She was also from a low income family. If anyone watched TV duringthe holidays, they would have seen that little girl’s picture. By theway Mr. Simpson, Jasmine Anderson is black.
Jasmine’s kidnapping was covered by local San Diego media, and thenational media. The story received a huge amount of air time, withJasmine’s picture being shown about every half hour. Because of theextensive media coverage of this case, a woman saw Jasmine’s picture,recognized her and called the local police. This woman turned in herown sister, Sheila Matthews, for the kidnapping of Jasmine Anderson.Thank God the media kept Jasmine’s picture and story in the news.
It is so ignorant for Mr. Simpson to say, “Granted, as tragic asthe disappearance of a young girl is, it can hardly be considerednewsworthy on any national scale.” National coverage of Jasmine’skidnapping got her safely back into her mother’s arms.
–Lea Bradleyrecreation administrationsenior
student advocates a ‘no’ vote on ‘StudentsAssisting Students’ fee
In regard to the referendum for $25 “Students Assisting Students”fee.
I am a student on the border between low income and middle class.
Currently, I am $6,000 in debt for student loans with at least twoyears remaining in school, not counting a future three years of lawschool. My parents fall into a category in which they make too muchfor me to get grants (I was rejected twice for a Cal Grant), yet theydon’t make enough to support me in school. To help myself, I took onthe loans and also work 32 hours per week on the night shift atTarget making $1 above minimum wage.
The “Students Assisting Students” Program is designed to help lowincome students avoid having to go through situations like mine. Buteven if I were eligible for the program, I wouldn’t be caught deadapplying for it. To force people — most of whom are in the same boatas myself — to pay for the education of others who are fully capableof affording the cost of attending San Diego State is ludicrous.
The current tuition at SDSU is $888. Books cost around $400 and aparking permit costs $108. A minimum wage, part-time job will easilycover this expense.
The state and federal governments also have multitudes of grantsand scholarships available to help fund low income students.
Nothing personally rewarding in life is ever easy.
I sincerely hope everyone who has just read this will join me invoting a resounding NO on the “Students Assisting Students” Program.
–Mike Rouzerhistory junior
–The Daily Aztec welcomes letters on all subjects, sections andstories. Letters may be edited for brevity and libelous or overtlyoffensive content. Letters must include the writer’s year in schooland major, or professional title. The Daily Aztec offices are locatedin the basement of the Business Administration and Mathematicsbuilding. Please send e-mail to letters@thedailyaztec.com.