Samano should try and find his way to a”better” nation
Mr. Samano certainly hates a lot of things (“Re-thinking theAmerican way” Oct. 6). It is no mystery to me why he is constantlydefending accusations that he is an America hater. Fortunately, mostof us (including a large number of minorities) do not view lifethrough a racial prism. We go about our lives trying to be the bestwe can be. We take advantage of the opportunities we are blessedwith. Nowhere else in the world can Mr. Samano accomplish what he canright here in America. If he disagrees, then perhaps he should gofind his way in whatever nation affords him a better opportunity.
Mark CruzClass of 1997
Samano vents frustrations toward the wrongpeople
In regards to Samano’s column (“Re-thinking the American way,”Oct. 6), the white people who are here now but didn’t have anyancestors in America 100 years ago don’t have to pay the price? Iwent to an all-black high school; even the teachers were black and Iwas one of five white people on campus. Do you think I was treatedfairly? I was born here so I have perfect English but people look atme and think that my family had something to do with slavery. Takingout all of their frustrations and bigotry on someone who had nothingto do with their problem is another stereotype that is unfair.
Secondly, white people were not the only ones who came to America.The Chinese and other Asians also came here (to California) aroundthe same time the Spanish did. (look it up.)
Corporate America may seem bad to you, but the next time you drivea car, put on a shirt, walk to a bus stop, open a text book or evenget an education, remember that corporate America and large profitsare behind all them. Even non-profit organizations want to makemoney. It’s a fact universities want to make money; they want just asbig of a pay raise as anyone else.
And last but not least, the drug war may not be perfect, but untilyou have seen a friend or relative get killed by someone who was ondrugs and pleaded insanity, getting a small two-year sentence formurder – then you can talk.
I don’t use the word hate very often either, but I hate snobbystudents who want to complain about what is wrong with the world andhaven’t done anything to change it. So until you do somethingpositive, stop your bitching.
Go Aztecs!
Shane GoebFinancial Analysis and Data Administration Junior
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