Malcolm X once said, “The future belongs to those that prepare for it today.”Just like the holiday break, most New Year’s resolutions are already a thing of the past. This is no surprise, because it generally takes a full 30 days to make or break a habit and without a detailed plan, success is far from attainable. Many people say they want to lose weight, eat healthier and exercise, but unless you’ve made it a part of your lifestyle, success is going to be limited. The key ingredient to your achievement is staying motivated. It’s time to stop thinking and start doing.”From here on out I’m going to live life more deliberately. Going to live with a purpose,” said international business senior Kyle Short about his New Year’s resolution. In this case, living deliberately means making your own food. It’s healthier, more economical and you can learn something. It will eventually be as effortless as a fast food drive-thru and the more often you cook for yourself the quicker you’ll be at it. It all starts with desire.
The skinny on food typesWe know vegetables are good for us, and we probably don’t eat our five servings every day. Five should be considered a minimum and there really is no limit. The more you eat, however, the more you’ll be processing and much of the vitamins will be passed through your urine. Some vitamins have toxicity levels, so try to eat between five and nine servings a day and skip the multivitamin.”But I hate broccoli; cauliflower is gross; and I’m sick of spinach,” you say.Guess what? Most grocery stores have more than 20 types of fresh veggies and it’s time for you to try something new. Use the Internet to find recipes involving vegetables for snacks, sides with meals or even as meals themselves.A half-cup of cooked spinach has twice the amount of fiber as one serving of Whole Grain Wheat Thins. Think that’s impressive? One-half cup of blackberries contains four times the amount as Kraft’s tasty cheese. Lesson learned: Steer clear of processed foods and read the facts on the labels.Grab each loaf of bread, each box of crackers and each bag of chips and look for fiber. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, cleans out your digestive tract, speeds up your metabolism and helps control hunger. You’re looking for 2 to 7g of fiber per serving with a goal of 30g spread over the day. Remember, vegetables can also be high in fiber.The combinations of foods you can prepare at home are endless, and you now have a base to build your food knowledge.
Picking apart the drinksBut what about beverages? Water. Drink it all day long. Save money by purchasing a refillable 5-gallon (or smaller) jug. At 35 cents a gallon (128 ounces) versus $1 for 16 ounces, how can you not? Get a good reusable bottle to cut waste and save cash as well. Sports drinks should only be consumed during rigorous exercise. The load of carbohydrates is equivalent to that of a drinking a soda. Swap the energy drinks for antioxidant rich coffee and tea. Locate a juice bar that can make you a fresh-pressed vegetable juice. Many juice bars have some tasty concoctions, others not so palate friendly. Most canned vegetable juices have high amounts of sodium, and bottled fruit juices have too much sugar. When in doubt, read the labels and ingredients.
Working to achieveResolutions aside, use a system to create success. There are hundreds of ways of mapping out your goals, your plans and your dreams, so write out a plan. Here’s one of the simplest methods out there. It’s called the SMART system.Ben Stein once said, “The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.” This brings us to the first step in the five tier process.
Be Specific. Ask yourself: How much? If your resolution is to type faster, how fast? “I want to be able to type 100 words per minute.” Make it Measurable. It makes the specificity of your goal traceable. “I want to run faster” is better said with a measurement. Try “I want to increase my 6 minute mile by 30 seconds.”Achievability. Saying that you want to get promoted to the president of the company you work for by the end of the year may not be achievable unless you’re already the vice president or of a similar ranking.Be Realistic. Although I believe nothing is impossible, setting a goal to hike Mount Everest this year with no prior training or knowledge of the sport isn’t going to happen. Not to mention the $60,000 price tag. Set your sights on Yosemite or start even smaller with Mission Trails Regional Park just five miles from San Diego State.Time is of the essence. There are 11 months left in the year to create new habits and kick the old ones. Giving yourself time frames will help with the success of all your aspirations.
Remember that there are only 24 hours in a day. Make every minute count and be sure to get eight hours of sleep. This year can be a turning point for your future and you may accomplish something you never thought you could the SMART way. Go after it!
?Use a calendar to track results.?Find a computer program or Web site.?Put memos and program daily reminders in your phone.?Use your network.?Buy a day planner.?Stay organized with a filing cabinet.?Listen to motivational audio books and speeches.?Keep updating your goals.?Surround yourself with like minded people.?Do it now.