MTV and CNN have pushed me over the edge.
Asof 12:09 am, Nov. 11, Joe Zarro has officially had enough and isdetermined to do something about it. I’ve always been annoyed withpolitics and popular music, but the final straw has landed.
First, let’s get a couple things straight. I support this countrythrough thick and thin, and I have a passion for music. I love themboth, but they have serious problems. I will remain with them comehell or high water, but also support reformation. They must bechanged from within, and now is the time to start.
Politicians have been, and will continue to be, controlled bycorporations and special interests. If they reject the interests oftheir contributors, they are financially cut off, and in present-dayAmerican politics, that means you lose the election. Politicians alsolack charisma, style and integrity. Look at our current situation.Our current president — and many before him — cheated on his wife.If they don’t have the integrity or morals to stand up to adultery,what is standing between bribery and corruption? I’m tired ofcatching our “figure-heads” with their pants around their ankles.
The Americans and I are fed up with these leaders and wantsomebody who is the real deal, not a mirror image of the polls. Weneed someone who earns votes through integrity, not a man who sellsit for them.
Popularmusic has also become disgusting. Eminem represents all that is wrongwith music today. He sends a negative message, but refuses to takeresponsibility and replies “where are the parents at?” He, being theson of a supposedly crazy, drug-addicted mother, should know theparents aren’t always there and kids turn elsewhere. Musicians,actors, athletes and politicians shouldn’t be role models, but theyare, and they need to accept the responsibility along with themassive royalties.
Bands seem to have negative, trivial or no message at all. I’mtired of hearing about destroying things or “clocking grips.” I wantto hear somebody with something intelligent to say about what isgoing on in the world.
Americans are going to get tired of these irresponsible andshallow celebrities and will spit these idles out of their mouth, orthey face going down in flames. We need to hold ourselves and thosewho lead us to a higher standard.
You’re probably thinking it’s easy to ask for change when you’resitting behind your keyboard eating Cheetos and taking breaks tomicrowave your Hot Pockets. To you, I’m just another columnist whotypes without a shirt on and plans on staying firmly planted to mychair for the rest of the day. Well you’re wrong … mostly.
First, how do MTV and CNN relate?
Well, politicians and musicians should have charisma, but beskilled at what they do. They are the celebrities much of Americalooks to as leaders. They are what other countries see of us, andfrankly, both Bush and Gore are a little embarrassing right now. Theyshould both answer to the masses, meaning they are both supported bythe American people.
I am proposing a unique, practical fusion between the two — apolitical party/band.
As of today, a new political party/band is formed that has noofficial name. It has only one member, but this article is a call toanyone and everyone who feels it’s about time to get some realchanges and have wholesome candidates who have public skills andstyle.
The party will raise its campaign financing through CDs and otherbusiness-like methods, which will make them accountable to thepeople. Large groups of people will be contributing in small amounts,instead of a few large donors controlling the politicians. They willanswer to people, not corporations.
We can stay idealistic, the way we want politicians and musiciansto be.
This party is starting small. Right now it consists of me, mycomputer and a Fender Stratocaster that I can kind of play. But I’vegot a guitar, I’ve got the drive and I’m fed up enough to make a realdifference.
The party will be larger than the band, and we will put a memberof the party up for City Council or something of the sort when thetime is right. Starting small and practical, we may not be able tochange the world, but we can make a difference in San Diego and maybepolitics.
If the whole political band thing fails, we still have a band andwe can play some clubs and have a blast doing it.
But it shouldn’t fail because it’s time for America to see somechange from within. I also have a theory — you can be heard if youhave something to say and speak loud enough to be heard.
Check this party out, and become a platform to stand on. We needeverybody who can to get involved.
Don’t be deterred by some of my views I’ve written in the past.You’re probably thinking “Hey, I’ve read this guy’s columns beforeand I don’t agree with him on anything. And I think his hat sucks.”The party is a mixture of different views that aren’t always mine.
Since I’m writing to people, I write about what I feel peopleshould do, not necessarily what the government should do. The Partyleaders will set examples and do as people should, but put in placelaws that do as government should, even if it goes against their setof principles and/or religion.
But this isn’t going to magically happen. It needs you. I thinkRage Against the Machine hit the nail on the head when they sang: Ithas to start somewhere / it has to start sometime / what better placethan here / what better time than now.”
–Joe Zarro is an undeclared freshman. Send e-mail to
–This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TheDaily Aztec.