Lucy D. Crespo Da Silva fell from the window of her 14th floorWestgate room at 9:15 p.m. on November 19 in an apparent suicide.
Da Silva was a senior majoring in Earth, atmospheric and planetarysciences. She had planned to enter graduate school at MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in January.
Friends expressed their surprise about Da Silva’s act, saying thatshe had seemed to be doing very well. Several friends commented onhow she had helped them through difficult times.
Da Silva was a longtime resident of MacGregor house and served asits rush chair last year. She was known for her boisterouspersonality and her love of cartoons. She was also a longtime playeron the women’s varsity ice hockey team. She is survived by herparents.
“This was a woman with enormous gifts and potential who wasinvolved in a variety of things over the years,” said Associate Deanfor Students Robert J. Randolph.
MIT seeks to improve counseling
MIT has made a number of attempts in recent years to increase thecommunity’s awareness of depression and the available counselingservices.
This fall, Randolph sent a letter to all freshmen advisers whichwas written by the parent of an MIT student who committed suicidelast year.
Randolph believes that the MIT community must become more open tothe discussion of mental health issues.
“The real issue is how do you create a community where people canask for help,” he said. “Asking for help is not the MIT way.”
He believes that MIT must actively attempt to inform its studentsof the available counseling options. “The question is: how do we getinformation out to students about the resources that are available?”he said.
UA task force explores issue
The Undergraduate Association Committee on Student Life hascreated a special task force on mental health. “We’re trying to makeit easier for students to come in to get help and to improve theservices that are available,” said CSL co-chair David Mellis.
In an attempt to discover ways in which MIT’s mental healthcounseling can be improved, the task force has distributed a surveyto other colleges.
“A lot of schools call their services something less threateningthan mental health,” Mellis said. Another key to effective mentalhealth services is a strong feedback system.
Randolph said he believes the community must look toward thefuture for improved mental health.
“The real issue is what is going to happen, not what has alreadyhappened,” he said.