Never in a million years did I think I would write these words onpaper, but Pat Buchanan is a decent guy.
Iknow, everybody who isn’t an angry, racist, sexist white male isprobably stabbing pins through a voodoo doll of my likeness as theyread this. But it’s the truth. The man has some character.
Why? I still strongly oppose his political and social views — Iprobably wouldn’t be welcomed into his home for dinner. But in lightof this Florida recount drama, Buchanan has emerged as something of apolitician to be treasured — a throwback to how campaigns used tobe, and probably still should be, run.
The staunch conservative came forward and told The Today Show hethought the people of West Palm Beach county in Florida intendedtheir votes to be for Al Gore.
Meanwhile, his sister shared the Buchanan camp’s statement withthe Los Angeles Times.
“We do not believe they are all ours,” Bay Buchanan, Pat’s sisterand campaign manager, told the paper Friday, Nov. 10. “We think therewas clear confusion and we understand the confusion since we’velooked at the ballot ourselves.”
Come again? Pat Buchanan coming forward with something that mighthelp out the Gore camp?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Nothing, and that’s what makes it so interesting. This is exactlyhow politics should be.
Bay Buchanan went on to say it was obvious to their office thatmany of those votes belonged to Gore and that she and her brotherwere not interested in taking votes that didn’t belong to them.
Bravo, hallelujah and to the White House with Gore — with aspecial thanks, however unwanted, to Pat Buchanan.
Before candidates got all caught up in being celebrities –looking a certain way for the television cameras and spouting off ontopics and tangents that have little to do with the issues at hand –politics was about who was best fit to serve the needs of thecountry. And while I wouldn’t wish Buchanan’s politics and leadershipqualities on my worst enemy, it’s interesting to see he’s man enoughto take the best interests of this country into consideration andrecognize who the people of West Palm Beach obviously wanted to betheir next president.
It’s called caring about the government — Buchanan has nothing togain from making this announcement. Well, nothing except respect, andoddly, he got mine.
By coming forward with this statement, Buchanan is sending amessage to the people. He’s saying it doesn’t matter if the man whogets the presidency goes against everything he believes in. Itmatters that the man who gets the presidency is the man the peoplevoted for. And in this case, it seems Buchanan thinks that person isGore.
George W. Bush, and for that matter Gore — although I cut him alittle slack because, unlike Bush, he’s not a moron — should look toBuchanan for a bit of guidance. Stop acting like immature bastardsand play this the way it should be handled.
Gore — you’ve got a point. The votes are probably yours. But stopwhining to every media staple who will listen and let things runtheir course. The people, for the most part, are on your side. Ifthings pan out the way they are supposed to, you’ll get your revoteall in good time. No amount of bitching is going to get you there anyfaster.
Bush — what are you thinking? Contesting a recount when it’s justcome out that you passed a bill supporting recounts when electionsare too close to call. Stop contradicting yourself and face facts.Fact — the Florida ballot was messed up. Fact — you are ahead inthe absentee ballots. Gore just wants the votes that are rightfullyhis. Why don’t you act like a man and give him what he wants?
This entire thing has gotten way out of hand, and it took one ofthe most simple-minded, bigoted hotheads ever born to point it out.
I think it says something for the state of our government.
Remind me once again why we can’t have Nader in the White House?
–Ross von Metzke is opinion editor of The Daily Aztec and ajournalism senior. Send e-mail to
–This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TheDaily Aztec.