Aliens from another planet created humans as a little project.
Beforeyou start thinking you read that wrong, I did say aliens.
Browsing the Internet the other day, I came across a religion –yeah, you read that right too. Religion — that I, and probably mostof you, had never heard of. It’s called Raelian.
Now, I’ve always been interested in learning about religions so Idecided to give this Web site ( a whirl. A man namedRael based an entire religion around the name given to him by analien who contacted him.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense doesn’t it?
Of course, taking this knowledge to Earth was against the aliens’ethics committee, but nevertheless they proceeded and created theEarth as we know it.
That explains how Earth got here. The question is answered, allthe scientists can go home.
Keep in mind there’s no evidence to prove it, as there is withlet’s say — evolution. But then what started evolution if it wasn’taliens? Somebody had to put us here, right?
Some may answer that God put us here on earth, but who really buysthat whole creation myth anyway? Adam and Eve are only symbols ofbeings who were created by our alien friends to help bring a messageof love and peace to our new race of beings. It’s a segue used bythem until we were advanced enough to once again meet with ourcreators. As the Raelian religion explains, “God is in fact peoplejust like us but more advanced, who love us very much and have beenwaiting for us to reach a stage where we can finally understandthem.”
According to the Web site, God (the aliens) carefully planned forus to live on this planet. In order to ensure our survival, ourRaelian creators made sure to send satellites around earth to studythe atmosphere. They carefully constructed the soil and the terrainfor us. We should feel privileged to be a part of this creation.
Claude Vorilhon (Rael) is the Raelian savior — he has been eversince he first saw the glory of the metallic, 7-meter vessel beforehim back in 1973.
OK, let’s just stop a minute before this gets out of control. Asridiculous as all of this may sound, people are actually being raisedon this. Just as many of us have been raised on our familytraditions, so have the Raelians.
Even worse — the idea that there are adults out there lacking somuch in their life that they would grasp on to something like this.This isn’t an old family tradition that has been instilled into theirbrain from years of Sunday school. It’s something they have decidedto join of their own free will. It’s not like an atheist who took ageology class and realized “Oh, hey, the world is really millions ofyears old.”
The Web site claims the savior Rael saw the aliens with his owneyes. It is concrete evidence. Forget all you have learned becausethis is the real thing.
People who cry alien wind up on “Jerry Springer,” they shouldn’tattract thousands of followers to a valid religion.
These people are choosing to say, “I used to believe in God orevolution, but I am so glad that I have found the truth in Rael. Hehas shown me that their message was simply distorted by humans whowere not developed enough to clearly understand. Now that we arebeings who are capable of this, we need to all band together. Abandonthese notions of religion and join the Raelians. Only with their helpcan our world become a better place.”
Oh, get over it.
–Jackie Fleishon is an English junior. Send e-mail to
–This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TheDaily Aztec.