Ken Smith hit the nail on the head (“I hate my generation, Ipicked it up and threw it away,” March 12). We’ve all come intocontact with a “bro” fitting the description Smith gives. As someonewho was raised in the California surf culture, it has saddened me tosee the perversion of an exciting microcosm of American culture intothe commercial crap that it is seen as today.
The so-called “bro” isn’t even a surfer, something that makestheir transgressions seem even more offensive to those who trulyrepresent surf culture. It seems to me that these people use theallure of surfing to make themselves “cool,” while not caring whattheir actions do to affect the people who don’t drive around with afake tan, spiked hair, wraparound sunglasses, the two-sizes-too-smallHurley/Volcom T-shirt, blasting Sublime from their lowered S10 pickupand speaking with a vocabulary consisting only of the words “bro,””f**kin'” and “stoked.” I’m sick of the image these people createbecause it stereotypes surfers as idiots.
Where I’m from, we have another word for the “bros” — they’recalled posers.
–Tim Mergencommunication freshman
Ken, look in the mirror; you look like a f**kin’ bro yourself. Orwas that picture of you plastered next to your name taken especiallyfor this particular column? I don’t know who these “bros” are, butthey need to kick your ass!
You seem to know a whole lot about them. You know what kind ofmusic they like, you know what they wear, you know what they drive,you even imply that they “are not above committing date rape.” Ken,if you have information about a crime, perhaps you should ride yourhigh horse over to a local law enforcement agency. Isn’t that what astand-up guy like you would do? You seem to be just like these”bros.”
For instance, in one paragraph you lambaste these “bros” for”objectifying women.” Then you have the gall to categorize a femaleas a “Bro Ho” based on the clothes she wears.
Screw you, Ken.
You are a big, fat hypocrite and a jealous, chauvinist pig. Why isa female who buys clothes from Hot Topic “a little tramp”? I guessyou must be the only person who looks “cool” in Hot Topic clothes;anybody else needs to have a license to dress cool. Look in themirror, Ken. It is possible that you are misspending your collegeyears.
You must be one sad and lonely “Bro”.
–Larissa Gibertsocial work junior
Disgruntled Christian Speaks
As I headed toward Aztec Center Monday, March 11, around 1 p.m., Isaw a crowd of people of what appeared to be a Christian club. Turnsout that they were a Christian group from the University of Arizonaon a trip for Spring Break.
A couple of the speakers in the group were literally speakingabout the Gospel of Christ in a manner that drove people away, ratherthan reaching out to them.
In other words, these speakers spoke like they were in a pulpit.It’s great that they’re getting the message out, but the Aztec Centeris not the place for pulpit preaching.
It seemed like the group from the UA was forcing people to convertrather than being a friendly witness and offering to share theirfaith in Christ, like most Christian clubs on the SDSU campus.
I’m not ashamed of being a Christian, but the behavior of thisChristian group embarrassed me and gives the wrong image ofChristians to non-Christians.
Real Christians wouldn’t be that pushy to others.
— Shannon Hammellhistory sophomore
Committee agrees with Aztec
We commend The Daily Aztec for its support of the student libraryfee in the March 6 editorial. If the fee is approved, the estimated$657,000 raised will provide tangible benefits in the form of greaterlibrary hours and more staff to help students in the coming academicyear. Even more important, passage will convey a strong message tothe university administration and the Cabinet Budget Committeeregarding the high value students place on the academic quality ofour library.
We also share the opinion of The Daily Aztec that theresponsibility for providing the library support needed by studentsand faculty lies primarily with the university and the state ofCalifornia. However, readers may be a bit confused about one of therecommendations of the committee as described in the editorial.Rather than increasing the library budget by 1.2 percent, theCommittee recommended increasing the library budget by an amountequal to 1.2 percent of the total university budget (i.e., from 3percent to 4.2 percent). This approach would raise $3 million to $4million per year. These small corrections do not alter the mainpoints of your argument, which are mirrored in the report from theSenate Library Committee. A student vote to adopt the $10.00 persemester fee will provide a strong impetus for the university toadopt additional ways to make up the $7 million to $10 millionshortfall in the annual library budget.
–Senate Library Committeeofficial response
Letters policy
–The Daily Aztec welcomes letters on all subjects, sections andstories. Letters may be edited for brevity and libelous. Letters mustinclude the writer’s year in school and major, or professional title.The Aztec offices are located in the basement of the BusinessAdministration and Mathematics building. Please send