Melissa Howard advertises contest for free tripto Africa
ByTim HainleyStaff Writer
Dreams of partying like an animal at Mardi Gras, or searching foranimals on an African safari could soon become a reality for twostudents.
And who better to tell you about exotic trips than MTV “RealWorld” survivor Melissa Howard?
Afterall, Howard just recently underwent both under the watchingeyes of “The Real World” cameras.
MTV and Howard visited Aztec Center Tuesday to encourage studentsto enter for a free vacation for two to New Orleans or Africasponsored by Contiki Travel — the same company which sponsored “TheReal World’s” Africa trip.
She said she has a message to the winner of the trip.
“You could take me and it’d be fun,” she said
Moments from “The Real World” African safari were aired lastsummer and still can be seen on MTV re-runs.
Howard said she and other New Orleans cast members includingJaime, Kelly and Matt are talking at colleges and college-orientedfairs around the country encouraging students to explore the world.
Students have until Oct. 15 to enter to
win the trips to Africa, or the trip to New Orleans, said CouncilTravel District Manager Stephanie Lovi.
Howard said she was excited about her role as a Contiki Holidayspromoter, especially after the show’s African trip. In addition topromoting the contest, Howard said she is capitalizing on hernew-found fame.
“I won’t lie, I want to take this opportunity and make this happen’cause my parents, what are they like 55 now?” she asked herself.”They don’t need to be working anymore.”
However, she said that she doesn’t want to hang around the MTVstudio for too long.
“No, I don’t want to be all over MTV again because it’s time toreinvent,” Howard said. “I can’t be on ‘The Real World’ forever. It’stwo percent of what I am.”
Howard said she just finished taping a guest spot on the comedy,”The Jamie Fox Show.”
She said she isn’t surprised at the success of other reality-basedshows such as “Big Brother,” “Survivor.”
“I loved that last episode of ‘Survivor’– it’s the only one Isaw,” she said. “I mean do you think that those rats were just bornon that island? No, they brought those rats in there, and they wereprobably like chicken rats and they tasted good and they had salt andpepper and everything.”
Howard said she enjoyed her experience on MTV but doubts that shewill ever have a roommate again.
“I don’t have a roommate and I don’t think I’ll have a roommatefor the rest of my life just because it’s a lot of work,” she said.