Finally, San Diego is having its very own Fashion Week. Its long-awaited and highly-anticipated arrival has been causing quite a stir in the local fashion circuits, and has many wondering what to expect. In order to give attendees an idea of what’s what and who’s who, founder and President of San Diego Fashion Week, Allison Andrews, gives a candid interview to answer all those lingering questions.
Q: This year marks the start of a whole new territory for fashion – a major landing in San Diego (Sep. 28 to Oct. 3). What do you think San Diego has that other cities don’t, in terms of fashion and style?
Andrews: I think the fact that we are a border town, and with that you have such a diverse culture, a bleeding of cultures, that you almost get a hybrid of a new culture. It’s kind of like Spanish and English make Spanglish, well, it’s kind of the same thing with fashion here…Mexico offers a whole new style from someone like Sergio Alcala, who’s one of our designers we’ll be showcasing, and is completely original and wild. San Diego is also a military and college town, so we’re getting influences from all over the world … San Diego is like a huge melting pot where people bring their own unique styles, their own flare and culture.
What inspired you to combine San Diegan and Mexican designers into one show? Would you say that the reason we are a border town, college and military town are the main influences?
Yes and no. It was part of the equation of what got me inspired, but not all of it. It needed to be that way because a lot of designers work here, but live in Tijuana and that’s so important because that’s what San Diego is.
Also, if you look at San Diego over the past eight years and the growth that we’ve had here in this city with the coming of businesses and the building up of our metropolitan downtown…San Diego is like the little engine that could. With this event I hope (SD Fashion Week) to be the backbone to really drive tourism, awareness and culture to San Diego.
What other things will SDFW offer, other than fashion, during this event?
It’s not just pretty girls and guys walking down a runway in clothes. That’s great, but we’re showcasing three local San Diego bands who could be the next Nirvana. We have DJs every night, we have live entertainment every night; each day of the show is its own production. This event is different because we are allowing the general public to attend. We’re the only binational fashion week ever and we’re putting plus-size models on the runway, too.
Are there any key pieces or accessories that trendsetters should keep their eyes out for this year?
Well, when you’re in college you’re on a budget, right? You’re schlepping a bunch of stuff around with you, so I think the most essential thing is, because of where they’re at for the summer season, is…a cool pair of sunglasses… a pair of gladiator flats… and an oversized, leather handbag that you can use for school. With those three elements, any woman (can) look amazing.
What trend do you feel needs to go extinct and is completely played out, in regard to men and women’s fashion?
For men and women, really, really fitted clothing needs to go. And there are two factors that affect this – street wear and modern-day trend wear. In regards to both, I think the trend that needs to leave is overly fitted clothing. There’s nothing worse on any sized body is clothing that doesn’t fit. Don’t hide it, work with it. Let’s clean it up; we don’t want to see your ass hanging out!
Amazingly, Andrews is only 23 years old and after speaking with her, you can really get a sense of how precocious and far-seeing she is for someone her age. Also, she is truly dedicated to making this event a success and hopes to see each day sold out with all types of people in attendance. So, whether you are a Marine stationed in Coronado, a San Diego State girl looking to get word on local fashion and trends or whether you’re looking for really great insight into emerging fashion trends of Mexico, San Diego Fashion Week will deliver a little something for everyone. For more information regarding this event go to the Web site