Every two and a half minutes, someone in America is sexually assaulted. In addition, college women are four times more likely to become victims of sexual assault than any other age group. Even so, less than five percent of women under 25 years old report these acts.
Today, Fraternity Men Against Negative Environments and Rape Situations will be tabling in Aztec Center to educate students about these risks.
“We want to educate people about the prevalence of sexual assault,” said Tim Velasquez, president of the Interfraternity Council and Frat MANers member.
Justin Motika, Associated Students vice president of finance and member of Frat MANers, said it’s important for the public to understand that violent sexual acts happen everyday.
“This program is so powerful in that it is peer-to-peer and confronts a real problem that college students face,” Motika said.
The event is part of the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network’s annual RAINN Day campaign to raise awareness about the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses across the country.
RAINN, co-founded by singer/songwriter Tori Amos 13 years ago, is the largest anti-sexual assault group in the United States.
Today, students will be able to pledge their stand against rape, abuse and sexual violence by signing RAINN drops, which will then be posted in the area around the tables. Frat MANers will provide information on resources available to victims and hand out wallet-sized cards with tips and available resources, including RAINN’s 24-hour free, confidential National Sexual Assault Hotline number.
“This is not only a women’s issue, its a man’s issue as well,” Velasquez said.
Frat MANers is a Peer Health Education program run through the Health Promotion Department at Student Health Services. Volunteer members put on presentations for male student groups and educate them about violence against women.
“It is important for men and women to know and understand what can be considered sexual assault, rape or harassment,” Motika said.
Velasquez said members focus on how men can be part of the solution. As part of the presentation, Frat MANers informs men of their rights so that they will know when to get consent.
“Every party at SDSU is an environment where rape can occur,” Velasquez said.
“It happens in homes, at friend’s houses and in common areas; it’s not just something that happens in a dark alley.”
RAINN Day events will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in Aztec Center. For more information, visit www.rainn.org or call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).