My name is Nick Holeman and I am a current SDSU student. I read today’s paper and felt that your portrayal of the U.S. military and the federal government in the column titled, “Take government out of marriage to ensure equality” was inaccurate and unfairly shed both institutions in a bad light.
The column opened with a touching story of a lesbian American soldier whose partner will not receive survivor benefits after she passes away. Mr. Heral went on to state that same-sex military spouses cannot obtain military identification cards. Both of these tragedies were attributed to the federal enforcement of the Defence of Mariage Act and an uncompassionate military. This is the impression that Mr. Heral deliberately gave to his audience.
I am fully aware that this is an opinion piece, and believe that Mr. Heral is entitled not only to his own opinion, but also his right to express it. This does not grant him the right, however, to twist or contradict facts to belittle our government and
U.S. military.
The Obama administration has come out publicly stating that it will no longer back the blocking of military benefits for same-sex couples. This includes survivor benefits, identification cards, as well as many other provisions. Hours after Obama stated this, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki announced that his department would not argue in support of DOMA and its banning of rights to same-sex couples.
Both of these are hard facts that the military and Obama administration are in support of extending rights to same-sex military couples, and have already set the wheel in motion to defend them. Mr. Heral also writes, “With one stroke of a pen, President Barack Obama can remove the government
from the marriage business.”
I find it ironic that someone who is arguing for a smaller government, that keeps its hand out of the institution of marriage, would propose the president signing an executive order.
I am writing this as a supporter of gay marriage, an ex-columnist and a student on the GI Bill. Please do your job as a journalist, and stop twisting/omitting facts just to strengthen your argument. I look forward to a response.
—Nick Holeman, International Business Senior