It was those hot stilletos accentuating her defined calve muscles that first caught your eye. It was the amazing smell of his cologne when he walked past you that had you following him past your next class.First impressions aren’t just anything – they’re everything. One chance to catch someone’s eye, one shot to make their head turn and one opportunity to leave them wanting more. In this trendy day and age, we are what we wear – especially on the massive campus that is San Diego State.It isn’t so much a matter of spending the big bucks to get the latest of fashions – although some would argue that’s how they “roll” – instead, fashion and style come from what makes different people feel good. In the dating world, your fashion statement is the first impression you make.
What she sees ?Meet the metroYour refined taste in clothing and excessive use of designer hygiene products doesn’t go unnoticed, but be aware that women do question your sexual orientation. While you may be able to brand your body from head to toe with Dior shades, Diesel jeans and Lacoste shoes, your presentation can be intimidating. You can give off the impression that you’re more proud of your Tiffany & Co. accessories than your last paper, and that attitude combined with your stylish confidence may only merit clothing remarks rather than date proposals.
Branded BrotherhoodWhether they’re on your hat, sweater or T-shirt – and not yet embroidered on your Rock & Republic jeans – your letters are sure indicators of your proud affiliation, and women notice them. If you’re busy enough to carry a backpack instead of your half-inch binder and pen, it’s likely you have an internship or an executive role in your house, which merits some appreciation for your hard work ethic. A casual “hello” to every Greek on campus is nice, but be sure to mix up your friend-cycle and venture into State’s multicultural, 37,000-strong student body.
Meat-head/body/personalityThe cut-off sleeves from your eighth-grade flag football team and SDSU gym shorts are a great look – for the gym. It’s obvious by your enormous muscular figure that your daily protein shakes are working. However, it’s important that you don’t allow your bulkiness to be the bulk of conversation. There is nothing welcoming about a man whose arms are molded to his sides because he’s wearing shirts that are 10 sizes too small. Women know how important it is to stay hydrated, but your 5-gallon plastic water jug shouldn’t be more noticeable than your kinesiology book.
What he sees ?Siamese sistersIf it wasn’t for leggings, you wouldn’t know what to do with all of those extremely long shirts and extremely short dresses – yes, even the men pick up on shirt-dresses. Proud as you may be to carry your letter-designer bags, be aware that most men don’t know or care what house you’re in and how cool it is to have it on a bag arranged like Louis Vuitton. Don’t let your Chanel sunglasses covering morning-after make-up be an identifiable mark of you and your house. There is more to you than materialistic conformity so let your mind speak for you, not your clothing.
Beefy Babe The same pair of tennis shoes seven days a week isn’t as much a turn-off as is the same sweat set. While practice for your sports team or your daily workout plays a huge role in your life, it’s important not to let the comfort of cotton cover your curves. You are made up of so much more than muscle and weight, so don’t be afraid to let people know what’s hiding under that extra-large sweater and Nikes.
Overdressed doesn’t impressThe 6-inch heels and teeny Forever 21 dresses aren’t really the most appropriate – or, for goodness sake, comfortable – school attire. It’s confusing trying to determine whether you are dressing for a presentation or trying very hard to present yourself to the public. If your backpack hangs lower than your skirt or dress, it’s probably not your JanSport at which men are staring. Low-cut tops, overgenerous amounts of jewelry and caked-on makeup should be reserved for clubs, not class.Style’s high points are different for both men and women. For males, remember that women judge detail. It’s your hair, shoes, smell and even the bag (or lack of) you use to carry your notebook. Don’t let the discrepancies of your confusing apparel keep you from letting her see what you’re really about.For females, keep it classy. If your letter bag makes you feel complete every day, so be it, but don’t plan your outfit color scheme around it. For the over dresser-impresser, keep your stilletos boxed until club time – we all know the pain you feel walking from Adams Humanities to Storm Hall twice a day for class. Men appreciate comfort and class, not uniformity and trash.Just like that chocolate bar calling out for you to devour its sugary goodness, how you present yourself to others in public can give or take away dating opportunities. And really now, if you can’t dress yourself, what makes you think someone would want to undress you?
-Natalia Van Stralen is a journalism sophomore.
-This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Daily Aztec.