Senorita Morales, wouldn’t it make sense to ask us and find outfor yourself before you write something that you know nothing aboutin the school newspaper? (Letter to the Editor, “Mascot battle foughtin childish manner,” Monica Morales, Feb. 27)
You could have found out that MEChA is currently helping out thefirm that is designing SDSU’s new logo and that since Day One (sic)we have been meeting with President Weber to let him know exactlywhat we want. Take me seriously or not, MEChA has and will continueto get things done “by any means necessary.” You call it a threat ofviolence, but I call it a promise to struggle for respect anddignity. At this point, we are no longer asking for change. AsChicano/a nationalists on our own land, we understand that respect,justice and dignity have not and will not be given to us; we mustdemand them and then take them!
I find it amusing how most of you pro-Monty people assume that allMEChA ever does is sit around and complain about Monty and that wehaven’t tried to help the university throughout this entiresituation. So you lost respect for MEChA, huh? How many organizationscan you think of that do half the work that we do?
Our last high school conference in November drew more than 1,300students. We have our very own Chicano/a graduation ceremony everyyear. We are involved in city, state and national politics. We visitelementary, middle and high schools in order to recruit them to SDSUand college in general. We host K-12 students and give them campustours. We tutor middle and high school students. We ride the trolleysto pass out information to our brothers and sisters on how to protectthemselves from the Border Pigs who have been illegally arrestingthem on the trolley. We protest and expose racist police officers whomurder and brutalize us. We helped establish the National CityCommunity Police Review board. We co-organize Chicano Park Day everyyear. We create scholarship programs for our people. We expose anddenounce Nazis like Superintendent of San Diego City Schools AlanBersin who are responsible for the deaths of over 800 human beings atthe San Ysidro border and for that bulls**t “Blueprint for Success.”
We haven’t “wasted time” on this mascot issue, because for us it’sin the defense of our culture and we have been able to be extremelyactive on and off campus throughout this fiasco. We are stillorganizing and putting in work for our people. And where are the SaveMonty people now? What are they doing for our community? Ourorganization has been putting in work for our community for more than32 years, and we will continue to do so after this issue is dead.
Ms. Morales and any other Hispanics that disrespect MEChA, what doYOU do for your raza?
–Ron Gochezchairperson, MEChA de SDSU
NO CONFIDENCE vote rash, unwarranted
In my 34 years on the faculty of SDSU, this is my first timewriting a letter to The Daily Aztec. I am motivated by the A.S. voteof no confidence in Provost Marlin, which is unwarranted andunsubstantiated by the facts.
Provost Marlin has tirelessly supported increasing the diversityof the faculty and with great success: 32 percent of the 71 newtenure-track faculty hired last year are persons of color. Given thathighly qualified minority group faculty members are intensely soughtafter by every university in the country, this is an impressiveaccomplishment.
The provost, through Associate Vice President Singer, has expandedopportunities for SDSU students to have classes by creating twooff-campus centers that offer SDSU classes. Currently, at theNational City Higher Education Center, there are 49 SDSU classes andat the Miramar College, SDSU is offering 16 classes. These centerspermit SDSU students to have access to classes in locations that maybe more convenient to their homes, while reducing crowding on theSDSU campus. These centers will continue to grow.
Provost Marlin maintains office hours for any member of the SDSUcommunity to talk with her. She listens carefully to everyone’sconcerns. I urge A.S. Councilmembers to avail themselves of thisopportunity for communication before passing resolutions.
–Stephen B. W. Roederprofessor of physics and chemistrycoordinator of SDSU off-campus centers
I just traveled the endless miles from La Costa to SDSU, fightingtraffic the whole way, to find that the parking structures wereblocked off for the Aztec basketball game vs. BYU. I also noticedthat even though the lots were closed for event parking, there wereempty spaces inside. This, of course, infuriated me enough that after20 minutes of searching, I gave up, got right back on the freeway andheaded home. I, of course, know that I do not pay 108 dollars everysemester so Aztec basketball fans can have an unoccupied parking lotin which to park their Aztec-loving cars … but does the San DiegoState administration know that?
For God’s sake, which is the more important activity here? Thefans who are watching a rubber ball bounce across the court or thestudents who are trying to learn?
Because of parking, or the lack thereof, I ended up having toe-mail my assignments. And who is responsible for the deteriorationin the quality of my work? You can blame SDSU athletics.
–Niloo Khodadadehjournalism senior
Letters Policy
–The Daily Aztec welcomes letters on all subjects, sections andstories. Letters may be edited for brevity and libelous or overtlyoffensive content. Letters must include the writer’s year in schooland major, or professional title. The Aztec offices are located inthe basement of the Business Administration and Mathematics building.Please send e-mail to