Greenfest will donate to Children’s Center
Because of budget cuts, the San Diego State Children’s Center could lose a $340,000 grant from the state. The grant enables low-income parents to send their children to daycare. Executives met with the parents of the 65 students this cut could affect on Friday to explain the situation.
In an attempt to alleviate some of the stress caused by the cut, proceeds from this year’s GreenFest will go to the Children’s Center. GreenFest recently received a $500 sponsorship from Kohl’s, which will significantly increase the amount of activities offered.
Restructuring update
On Friday, the Associated Students’ Restructuring Committee updated some of the decisions made at its previous meeting. Two council representatives will sit on the Multi-Cultural Caucus as non-voting members, rather than seven as originally planned.
To ensure cultural organizations will continue to contribute to the University Affairs Board, there will also be a diversity commissioner. Discussions at the next meeting will include how to integrate non-cultural organizations, such as the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association, and how to fit in council boards such as community service and external affairs.
Administrative changes to AS
Associated Students hired a new marketing manager to handle its media relations. Lorena Ruggero began work last Monday.
A.S. turns 80 this Wednesday. No festivities are planned, but A.S. is reportedly excited to have been on campus for so long.
—Compiled by Staff Writer Amy Williams