By Lizette LizardoStaff Writer
The opening event for Andres Bonifacio Samahan’s 27th high schoolconference was full of spirit.
This is because more than 800 students from Southern Californiahigh schools screamed, ripped paper banners and stomped on chairs toshow which school had the most pep. The winner was Mt. Carmel HighSchool.
A.B. Samahan, San Diego State University’s Filipino studentorganization, held its high school conference at Aztec CenterSaturday, which included a pep rally, workshops, speakers and otheractivities.
The purpose of the conference was to promote and educate thecommunity and campus about the cultural Filipino experience.
This year’s theme was “The Choice is Yours,” implying thatstudents have to make their own choice to advance their education.The conference was held to enlighten prospective college studentsabout the university experience.
After the rally, high school students were escorted toinformational workshops, focusing on personal, educational and careerdevelopment.
“Samahan has a pretty big outcome with its high schoolconference,” said Loudi-Ann Rodriguez, assistant academiccoordinator. “Our purpose is to promote education and further collegeinfluences of the students and to let them know that SDSU is therefor them.”
Eastlake High School senior Aurora Guanbon said it is her firsttime attending the high school conference.
“I find it interesting and very educational,” she said. “It’sdefinitely a good way to interact with other students from other highschools.”
Keynote speaker Arlie Ricasa addressed the theme, informingstudents that it is their choice whether they take advantage ofhigher education. She also spoke about the importance of rememberinghow Filipino parents and ancestors sacrificed to arrive in America.
Ricasa has been honored by Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, anaward given to the top 2 percent of educators in the nation. She iscurrently the Interim Dean of Student Services at SouthwesternCollege in Chula Vista and a member of the board of trustees for theSweetwater Union High School District.
This is A.B. Samahan’s 30th year on campus. The group’s purpose isto enrich the Filipino culture, support educational advancement andparticipate in the community.
“It’s beneficial for all the students because they get to learnabout their future, in their education and culture,” A.B. Samahanmember Edward Locso said. “The conference gives the students anopportunity to meet other students and to start to realize thateveryone’s just one big family.”
Not only was the conference jam-packed with workshops, a magicshow and spirit contests, but high school students also got to struttheir stuff in a talent show competition.
Emcees, and SDSU students, Anthony Ruba and Jon Ressureccion,introduced the acts performed by high school students. Between acts,Ruba and Ressureccion poked fun of Filipinos with comedic skits.
“It was da bomb,” said A.B. Samahan Academic Coordinator and SDSUstudent Cristina Ruiz. “I never had this opportunity in high schooland people should take advantage of it.”
Ruiz said she and the volunteers worked hard to make theconference a success.
“I’m proud to be a mistisa, but you don’t have to be Filipino tobe here,” Ruiz said, referring to herself as half Filipino.
After a day of informative workshops and entertainment, a dancewas held until 11 p.m. in Montezuma Hall.
A.B. Samahan was founded with the ideas of Andres Bonifacio, aFilipino national hero who led the Filipino Independence movement inthe late 19th century.