San Diego State fraternity Phi Kappa Theta has been put on interim suspension following the death of Sigma Alpha Epsilon president Barzeen Barzanji last Friday morning. The interim suspension will last the duration of the investigation until the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities decides whether any disciplinary action will be taken.
According to a statement released by SDSU’s media relations, “All university and Interfraternity Council privileges are suspended, and the chapter is expected to cease all activities, with the exception of chapter programs approved in advance by SDSU’s office of Student Life and Leadership.”
In addition to these restrictions, all chapter-related facilities and activities must be completely alcohol and drug free, and no guests will be allowed in the chapter house unless approved in advance by the SLL office. Any violations of these rules “will result in more severe sanction.”
SDSU Media Relations Manager Gina Jacobs said while putting PKT on interim suspension does not by any means assume it is guilty of the accusations it faces, it does mean there is significant enough evidence to believe there was some violation of campus policy.
Jacobs was unable to comment on the specific charges the fraternity faces.