The Daily Aztec endorses the following positions in California’s 11 propositions
Proposition 30 – YES
Jerry Brown’s Tax Increase
The temporary tax increases created by Proposition 30 would go a long way toward easing the fiscal pain in california. Public higher education, including San Diego State, faces devastating trigger cuts if this proposition fails. california voters must take on slightly higher taxes to preserve the future of education in the state.
Proposition 31 – NO
Two-Year State Budget Cycle
This proposition is a well-intentioned, but unnecessarily over=reaching, attempt to reform the state government. While it does contain some valuable ideas, the complexity of Proposition 31 makes it ripe for unintended consequences, which could hobble the government’s ability to react during future fiscal crises.
Proposition 32 – NO
Ban on Corporate and Union Contributions to State and Local Candidates
This misleading proposition claims to stop special interests. in reality, by banning money collected through automatic paycheck deductions in elections, it cripples unions. Meanwhile, corporations are free to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political action committees without the counterbalance unions traditionally provide.
Proposition 33 – NO
Car Insurance Persistency Discount
This proposition allows insurance companies to offer discounts to drivers who have had insurance continuously for at least five years. it also allows them to charge higher prices to individuals who, for whatever reason, didn’t have continuous coverage. This would directly hurt students and people facing financial hardships who can’t always afford insurance.
Proposition 34 – YES
End the Death Penalty
california’s death penalty is a bloated mess, sucking up more than $180 million per year without making taxpayers safer. Proposition 34 ends the death penalty in california and substitutes capital punishment with life sentences without the possibility of parole. in addition, inmates are required to work, paying restitution to victim’s families. Monies saved by banning the death penalty will be recycled into law enforcement programs.
Proposition 35 – NO
Increased Sentences on Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery
While the goal of stopping human trafficking is an admirable one, Proposition 35 is badly written. it gives law enforcement excessively broad and poorly defined powers while placing individuals involved in completely legal sex- related industries on sex offender registries alongside child molesters.
Proposition 36 – YES
Modification of the Three-strikes Law
The three-strikes law unnecessarily sentenced individuals from 25 years to life for nonviolent and nonserious felonies. This contributes to massive overcrowding in california prisons and expensive housing of increasingly older inmates. Proposition 36 eliminates increased sentencing and allows for resentencing for felons accused of nonviolent and nonserious third strikes, saving at least $70 million a year.
Proposition 37 – YES
Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food
consumers have a right to know what they are eating, which Proposition 37 guarantees by requiring companies to label genetically modified organisms. Massive food production companies, led by Monsanto co., are fighting fiercely against labeling. Whether GMOs are unhealthy has yet to be resolutely proven, but consumers aren’t guinea pigs companies can use to find out.
Proposition 38 – NO
Molly Munger’s State Income Tax Increase for Education
Propositions 30 and 38 both seek to increase revenue for education in california. Proposition 38 does so by increasing the income tax for most taxpayers in the state for 12 years. however, that money is set for early child care and schools K-12 leaving public four-year institutions still vulnerable to budget cuts.
Proposition 39 – YES
Income Tax Increase for Multistate Businesses
Taxing multistate corporations on a percent of revenge from california levels the playing field for local companies creating jobs. it also closes a massive loophole, which promotes incentives to companies that take jobs out of california. a portion of new revenue will be redirected for five years to investment in clean energy for california.
Proposition 40 – YES
Referendum on the State Senate Redistricting Plan
The Republican Party sponsored this initiative and brought legislative action against the redrawn districts after the 2010 census, fearing the loss of a state Senate seat. a judge struck down the challenge and the party has since withdrawn support for the initiative. an affirming vote maintains the redrawn lines, while an opposing vote means a costly and unnecessary redrawing of new state Senate districts.