San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

Thank you for smoking at SDSU

When did we decide we were content with shaming all the cigarette smokers on campus? What did they ever do to us? Whatever it was, it must’ve been pretty bad, considering the punishment levied against them. Could there be anything worse for a group of people trying to relax than being forced to unwind next to the Dramatic Arts building? I’m all for expressing oneself, but if the smokers must be resigned to express themselves in a particular area, the aspiring actors should be forced to rehearse their musicals indoors, preferably in soundproof rooms.

And really, isn’t smoking just another form of self-expression? I’m not a smoker myself—sure, I’ve smoked a few here and there, in hopes of boosting my street-cred and tough-guy appeal, but I can’t help but feel smokers are getting the short end of the stick here.

I’m terrified by what popular thought is capable of doing. Why shouldn’t smokers be allowed to smoke, as long as it’s not indoors? Why do they have to remain 25 feet from all buildings? Why quarantine them to particular demarcated zones? Look, from where I’m standing, you have a problem with smokers for one of two reasons: You’re either offended because you’re forced to inhale someone else’s smoke, or you’re concerned for your health and the health of others. Fine. These are perfectly valid reasons to treat smokers like the lepers they are.

As usual, I’m simultaneously entertained and annoyed by our university’s logic. There are three Starbucks locations on campus. They sell coffee. Unfortunately, most people our age decide to forgo the black, basic version of the stuff for a more dignified and tasty choice, such as a double vanilla spice Frappuccino or caramel Macchiato. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s right, you’re watching your weight. Better make it a skinny cinnamon dolce latte, ‘cause, you know, using skim milk in your sugar bomb is healthier. Next, we’ll head over to Taco Bell and order one of their gut busters, or maybe we’ll skip on down to a residence hall’s fry cook and grab some chicken strips. If asked to bet on a race between the person who smoked a few cigarettes a day or the person who drank one Starbuck’s milkshake a day, I’d put it all on old Joe Camel.

We’re paying more healthcare costs as a society on those suffering from obesity and diabetes than those suffering from smoke-related illnesses. I know for the smoker, cigarettes are also responsible for heart disease and other health issues, but we’re not arguing about people smoking indoors.

For God’s sake, secondhand smoke is not even an issue outdoors. No one has died from taking in the diluted exhalations of outdoor smokers. I’m not even convinced secondhand smoke indoors should take responsibility for as many deaths as the media likes to claim. Big pharma and big tobacco are dueling it out with one another. Most studies against cigarettes are funded by the folks aimed to sell you an addiction cure, and most studies claiming a lack of correlation between secondhand smoke and health risks are funded by Marlboro and his posse.

Why are people so offended by smokers when they’re fine with other, more blatantly offensive activities happening around campus? I’m not a huge fan of jorts, but if you wear them, I’m not going to force you to enjoy the sun against your legs on the roofs of buildings. I don’t particularly like being forced to look at your cellulite or terrible tattoos and piercings strolling down Campanile Walkway. Those things offend me, but hey, you do your thing, I’ll do mine. I can’t stand the religious lunatics we allow on campus, but they’re allowed their freedom of speech. The Koala prints pornography and libelous statements of actual people with relative ease. Are cigarettes more offensive or socially damaging than that?

People love to get offended. I write for the Backpage because I too love resentment and expressing my irritation. Hey, does anyone out there remember Kony? That guy’s still out there, committing terrible atrocities on women and children. There’s a good scattering of men just like him all around the world. They’re committing genocide. Genocide, folks.

But no, you’re right, let’s concentrate on fixing this cigarette issue, it’s more important and controllable to us anyway. Wait, have you heard about these unmanned drones? They’re killing innocent people and disregarding borders, all in the name of America. Sure, before the drones, regular old people mistakenly killed civilians during wartime, but this is what I want to yell about today!

So what is it? Are we here to help those who actually need it, or are we content continuing this insane war against the smoker? Smokers of San Diego State: Disregard the whole “Smoking in Designated Areas Only” policy. It’s ridiculous; you and I both know that. More than a year of this nonsense is enough. So feel free to smoke wherever you’d like outside. (I can’t believe I’m writing that). I’m certainly not going to say anything. That might require me to remove the straw lodged so tenderly in my mouth, and this Starbucks “coffee” is too damn good to do that.

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San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
Thank you for smoking at SDSU