Friday to me was the day of the underdog. This was clear from the very beginning when those “under the radar” dominated the “Stan Lee’s Web of Heroes” press conference and panel. The legend did have many one-liners up his sleeve, but much of the time was dedicated to showcasing talent associated with his Youtube channel, from the piano skills of “Cosplay Cafe’s” Sonya Belousova to the clever animation of “Bad Days” co-creator Junaid Chundrigar.

Later on in the day, I spent many hours in Room 8. I got there early so I would not get closed out of “Your Opinion Sucks! Rotten Tomatoes Critics vs. Fans.” However, I ended up being equally impressed with the panels that preceded it. Though I had zero expectations for them, I was floored getting to watch creative people talk about acclaimed comic book series.

The one that emotionally impacted me the most was “ElfQuest: 35 Years of Pointed Ears.” Creators Wendy and Richard Pini gave a lively presentation that made me want to go out and read what I was missing. Toward the end, Richard mentioned that he and his wife did not have kids so that they could focus on “ElfQuest.” He followed this by stating that avid readers of the comics are their children and his and Wendy’s legacy will continue through the fans. His comments reinforced why I love Comic-Con so much. When attendees get to see warm humanity displayed by well respected artists, the result can be a profoundly moving experience.