At a school with 30,000 students it is surprisingly easy to find yourself without a group and without a niche.
The first place I felt truly at home was in the basement of EBA where The Daily Aztec is put together when Julie Aeilts told me they were looking for photographers. The Daily Aztec was, surprisingly, a daily paper when I started and there was always a need for more photos.
Photo Editor Paige Nelson gave me the chance to be assistant photo editor in the spring of 2013 and with her I found my first photography teacher. It wasn’t until Leonardo Castaneda and Ana Ceballos hired me as their photo editor, however, that I found my stride under their leadership.
I am sure Castaneda was nervous handing his baby over to a photographer but with the staff my managing editor and I put together, I was able to rely on their strengths. Every staff meeting was the highlight of my Mondays; every sassy staff gathering was a party. Production days were long and tiring and I wouldn’t trade a single one. Being in the backshop with the queen of snark and the king of puns made every day more than tolerable.
This year The Daily Aztec faced financial problems in line with what is facing the newspaper industry across the globe. We had to see our staff cut down, we had to cut the paper to weekly and we had to get support from the university and alumni, but we made it and we are still here.
While the weight of whether or not the paper would be able to pay for its next production sat heavily on us, however, there was one person trudging ahead through every crisis that arose.
Managing Editor Madison Hopkins has been a force to be reckoned with, managing an energetic staff while finding time to investigate controversial topics and mentor younger journalists. In truth she has made us all better journalists. You have been my informant, my confidant, my best friend and my sanity. You may not always get the credit you deserve but I have never underestimated or undervalued you. If any of us will see a Pulitzer, my money is on you.
To the ready and eager staff coming in, Kelly Hillock and your team, you have set yourself up for success with your hard work and motivation and I can not wait to see what you accomplish this coming year. It goes by fast so hold on tight.
It’s terrifying and exciting leaving this group of 30,000 to enter one of 7 billion. But thanks to my time at The Daily Aztec and the people who have helped me along the way I am ready to start all over. Here we go again.