By Melinda WalkerStaff Writer
Each day, students walk past the plain, white walls that borderthe trolley construction near Adams Humanities. After Spring Break,these walls will exhibit a little bit of student expression.
The Associated Students Facilities Board, which establishes policyfor A.S.’s leased and operated facilities, is currently working on aproject to display student artwork on the walls.
Applications to submit artwork were due Friday. Now, a jury willdecide which art to display.
The jury will be comprised of one student-at-large, a student anda faculty member from the art department, the university president orhis appointed designee and one representative from the A.S.government staff.
The Metropolitan Transit Development Board, which is building thetrolley, owns the walls and has been using them to display its ownposters. Last semester, the board approved a plan to place campus arton the walls instead.
Artwork will be presented on 8-by-4 panels of the wall. The jurywill choose about 20 pieces of art to be displayed this semester. Artwill be changed each semester.
Art cannot contain commercial messages, religious or sexualdepictions and must be appropriate for young children. Also, artistswill be required to sign waivers releasing A.S., the MTDB and SanDiego State from all liability concerning the safety of theirartwork.
A.S. Executive Vice President Katia Pena said the group is hopingto get involvement from different clubs and organizations on campus.Individual submissions are also encouraged.
“We are hoping to beautify our campus a little more,” she said.
The group hopes to obtain a collection of art portraying thecultural and ideological diversity of the campus.
Art junior Lea Dennis, who started a petition within the artdepartment to display work on the walls before joining with the A.S.board, said she would like the art to show not only the incredibleartistic ability of students on campus, but also something thatstudents would like to share with the campus.
“Hopefully we will have a lot of creative work,” Dennis said. “Ihope people will be forthright and honest with their artwork, andshow something valuable.”
Some students on campus said they are eager to cover theconstruction walls.
“Those walls are pretty ugly, so I am excited to have somethingdifferent to look at,” political science freshman Christy Medinasaid.
Students interested in the project can call Katia Pena at (619)594-7261.