The purpose of any section of a newspaper devoted to “letters tothe editor” is to provide readers with a voice. The Daily Aztecletters section is no different. Want a chance to present youropinion to twenty thousand readers? Write a letter to the editor. Atthe same time, it is the responsibility of every publication toprotect its readers from offensive opinions that serve no otherpurpose than to be hurtful.
Recently, a decision by The Daily Aztec to print a letter to theeditor was called into question. Some claimed that the material inthe letter was offensive enough to contradict our letters policy(which includes a clause that regards the omission of “overtlyoffensive” material). While we will not argue the offensive nature ofthe letter in question (“MEChA: agenda of the U.S. government iswhite power,” March 19), we did have three considered reasons forprinting it.
First, the letter was signed by the president of a prominentorganization on this campus. This alone makes it newsworthy.
Second, it contained no indication that the writer did not intendit for publication. We always take such requests seriously.
Third, the letter’s author is in the middle of a campaign to winthe Associated Students office of vice president of external affairs.This is a prominent seat whose duties include sitting on theUniversity Senate and representing San Diego State University at astatewide level. It is the opinion of this paper that voters — thestudent body — deserve to hear about it when a candidate makesstatements such as these.
Occasionally, a newspaper’s editorial board must take into accountmore than the quality (or lack thereof) of a letter. For example, ifwhat is said in the letter unfavorably represents a campusorganization already fighting for respect. Or if potential votersmight be interested in bigoted remarks made by any student governmentcandidate — let alone the potential vice president of externalaffairs.
If overtly offensive material was in question in a lettersubmitted by any random reader, or the content was a personal attack(rather than an issue-based one), the letter would have been editedfor content or not run at all.
However, when public figures make or write statements of any kindit becomes news. This is an unavoidable consequence of their publicstature.