Crack. It’s everywhere you look. I’ve seen it in bars. I’ve seenit in clubs. I’ve seen it at the grocery store. I’ve seen it at themall. I’ve even seen it here at SDSU. Nobody can get away from it. Nomatter where you look, it will be right there staring you in theface. Crack, crack, crack.
So I ask, ladies, what do you gain from exposing your butt crackto the whole world?
Honestly, I don’t understand why women, and even some girls thesedays, feel the need to reveal every tiny (or sometimes, large) aspectof their bodies.
Seriously, how low can you go? The jeans department at Macy’sshould be called “the crack house.”
Jeans were originally strong, dependable work clothes. Now theyare barely covering women’s legs, much less other areas. Mr. Levi issurely rolling over in his grave. The waist of modern jeans isnowhere near the belly button. Somehow, our waists have migratedsouth and the crack has relocated north.
It is one thing to wear the typical Britney Spears top that showsthe midriff, but do you have to show your butt cheeks, too? And as ifthat is not enough, some of you even dare to show us the strings ofyour barely there underwear. Do people really need to see that?
I know I don’t.
What happened to the basic jean? Don’t you recall the days whenpeople wore tapered or bell-bottom jeans? Do you remember peggingyour jeans? Oh, the memories. I thought having boot-cut and flare wasbeing different and trendy. I don’t think I could have been morewrong. Now the most popular jean is the dreaded low-rise. What hasbecome of us? What have we come to?
This jean barely covers your unmentionables, while accentuatingyour stomach. If you get the right size, this jean could be veryflattering. However, most of you choose to wear low-rise jeans sotight your butt is smiling at the crowd. Say hello!
Don’t get me wrong. I love low-rise jeans and think they are veryfashionable when you go out on a Friday night. Now, let me emphasizesomething.
They are nice for going out Friday night.
This is an important point since many women choose to wear thisensemble to school or to the supermarket, which is unnecessary andridiculous.
So what should women wear? I am not one to tell a person what towear, but I believe there is a time and place for everything. Womenshouldn’t have to show skin to feel sexy or look attractive. Yes,sometimes you may want to be a little revealing, but you can do it ina classy way. Think about it. Exactly how attractive do you think itis to stare at someone’s butt crack all day long? That’s what Ithought.
In closing, I am not protesting low-rise jeans in any way. I amtrying to understand why women don’t leave anything to theimagination. You can still look beautiful while wearing jeans thatcover your entire butt.
So please, for me and for those who are anti-crack, unless you area plumber, don’t put your ass crack on display!
–Gina Chacon is a journalism junior.
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