The San Diego State Center for Surf Research is hosting a major surfing conference this weekend. The seminar will be an occasion to learn about sustainability initiatives in the surf industry, according to the Center’s director, Dr. Jess Ponting.
“It is a great opportunity to mix and mingle with inspired and inspiring people affecting positive social and environmental change through their involvement with surfing,” Ponting said.
The Center for Surf Research was inaugurated last fall. Ponting, also an assistant professor of sustainable tourism, holds the world’s first PhD focused on sustainable surf tourism management.
The conference is titled “Surfing’s New Aloha: The Growing Trend of Giving Back.” Ponting said the conference’s purpose is to raise awareness about the issues of coastal environments.
The event will be held for two nights. The first will be a screening of the film “Manufacturing Stoke” at 7 p.m. on Friday in Hardy Tower 140, with the film’s director and producer present to answer questions.
The main event will take place from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. on Saturday at the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center. According to Ponting, there will be numerous presentations, as well as a film screening, followed by a question-and-answer period with the filmmakers.
One of the presentations focuses on the protection of whales, dolphins and marine life. According to “Surfers for Cetaceans,” the group is committed to activating “ocean-minded” people everywhere to support the conservation and protection of marine animals.
A presentation named “A Case Study in Corporate Philanthropy” will showcase the work of “Waves for Development.” According to the organization, surf travel should benefit the people and the communities where the travel is located.
Projects of sustainable construction, recycled equipment from everyday waste and humanitarian work are among the prevalent themes that will be displayed, according to Ponting.
The closing exhibition will be the film “Minds in the Water,” with the film’s stars Dave Rastovich and Chris del Moro speaking alongside the director, executive producer and screenwriter.
The cost is $15 for students, which includes both films, parking and lunch on Saturday. Students may register for tickets at
“It will showcase what we see as a growing trend against something increasingly catastrophic,” Ponting said.