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San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913

The Daily Aztec

KCR – Music Submissions

All musicians are encouraged to submit their music to KCR. Accepted submissions will be added to our automated playlist that plays in between live shows. This playlist is curated so our listeners are exposed to only the best tunes. Getting playtime on KCR offers a great chance for up and coming artists to reach a new audience. We are especially interested in submissions from local San Diego bands!

We are now only accepting digital submissions via email at:

ALL SONGS MUST BE FCC CLEAN, in MP3 format, and the files names must be formatted: “Artist – Song Title”

Please do not call to inquire on the status of your music submission. We receive such a high volume of music that it is difficult to keep a record. Our team decides what submissions are the best fit for the library. Some factors in their selection process are the music policy and projected listener appreciation. We are currently working on a implementing a way to allow artists to see if their songs have been played.
Thank you.

-Music Submissions Director

If your music is selected to be played on the station it will be uploaded to our automated playlist and be randomly played when there is no live DJ. Your music will also be available to the music department for DJ use. If played on automation, listeners will be able to view the song data and purchase the song if it is registered with iTunes.

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San Diego State University’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1913
KCR – Music Submissions