San Diego State released an email reminding students to adhere by the school, county, and state safety regulations regarding COVID-19.
This comes after four unrelated off-campus students tested positive for COVID-19 at the start of the Fall 2020 semester.
“We have received a small number of complaints that some members of our community are not yet doing their part, and are not following these public health guidelines, especially off-campus,” the email said. “As we become aware of violations to the student code of conduct we are working with the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities to pursue sanctions.”
Community members who wish to report potential violations of public health policies by students or student organizations may fill out the COVID-19 Incident Reporting Form or the Student Organization Incident Report Form.
The email reminded students not to organize or attend parties, wear facial coverings at all times on campus, adhere to the IFC social moratorium and to maintain six feet away when around those who are not members of your household.
“These are our expectations of all students, including those who live on campus, are enrolled in an in-person course and others who come to campus or live in the region but remain off campus for virtual instruction,” the email said.
SDSU is working with the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities to “pursue sanctions” as violations of the safety guidelines are reported. Investigations are currently taking place to address the reported off-campus gatherings according to the email.
Free COVID-19 testing is available for enrolled SDSU students and additional information regarding COVID-19 safety is available at SDSU’s COVID-19 site.