Let’s face it, we’ve all had our share of horror date stories. Whether you’re a seasoned dater or only experienced a couple of dates, everyone feels the pressure of first-date jitters. Often times it can be easy to let nerves get in the way. Luckily, keeping these tips in mind can help guide daters toward a successful second date.
1. Don’t Text
Seriously, this is a big one. When someone has taken time out of their day, the worst thing to do to someone is pay more attention to your phone than your date. Granted, there are instances when answering a call or text might be necessary, but if you’re really hoping on making a good impression avoid this at all costs.
2. Don’t Get Drunk
Sure, drinking on a date can make you feel more confident, but it can be easy to overdo it. Completely abstaining from drinking on a date is pretty drastic, but a good rule of thumb to follow: stick to two drinks maximum.
3. Avoid Serious Topics
Dates are supposed to be fun, so keep the conversation lighthearted and geared toward common interests. Try to avoid discussing politics, religion or even worse, exes.
4. Don’t Assume Your Date Will Foot The Bill
As much as I love when a date volunteers to pay for my meal, movie ticket, etc, realistically, it can become a pretty expensive responsibility for one person. Try volunteering to pay half or pay for the first round of drinks. Most dates will appreciate the gesture.
5. Be Yourself
I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dating, there are plenty of “don’ts” but the best “do” is to be yourself. Don’t try to be who you think your date wants you to be, because this can lead into dangerous territory. It’s exhausting to keep up with a created persona on the first date and the lies following. Embrace who you are, what you’re about and your date will pick up on the confidence that comes with staying true to yourself. Trust me, it can be the most attractive trait.